On 2/13/2014 1:38 PM, Jared Rodriguez wrote:
I am using solr/solrj 4.6.1 along with the apache httpclient 4.3.2 as part
of a web application which connects to the solr server via solrj
using CloudSolrServer();  The web application is wired up with Guice, and
there is a single instance of the CloudSolrServer class used by all inbound
requests.  All this is running on Amazon.

Basically, everything looks and runs fine for a while, but even with
moderate concurrency, solrj starts leaving sockets open.  We are handling
only about 250 connections to the web app per minute and each of these
issues from 3 - 7 requests to solr.  Over a 30 minute period of this type
of use, we end up with many 1000s of lingering sockets.  I can see these
when running netstats

tcp        0      0 ip-10-80-14-26.ec2.in:41098 ip-10-99-145-47.ec2.i:glrpc

All to the same target host, which is my solr server. There are no other
pieces of infrastructure on that box, just solr.  Eventually, the server
just dies as no further sockets can be opened and the opened ones are not

The solr server itself is unphased and running like a champ.  Average timer
per request of 0.126, as seen in the solr web app admin UI query handler

Apache httpclient had a bunch of leakage from version 4.2.x that they
cleaned up and refactored in 4.3.x, which is why I upgraded.  Currently,
solrj makes use of the old leaky 4.2 classes for establishing connections
and using a connection pool.

This is something that I can look into.

I have a SolrJ program with SolrJ 4.5.1 and HttpClient 4.3.1 that does not leak anything. I thought it was migrated already to SolrJ 4.6.1, but now that I know it's not, I will upgrade SolrJ first and then HttpClient, and see whether I have the same problem with either upgrade.

I am using HttpSolrServer, not CloudSolrServer, because the Solr servers are not running SolrCloud. CloudSolrServer ultimately uses HttpSolrServer for its communication, so my initial thought is that this is not important, but we'll see.

In version 4.7, Solr will include HttpClient 4.3.1.  See SOLR-5590.


A question for committers with a lot of experience: Do we have any tests that check for connection leaks?


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