I tried it in solr admin query and it showed me all the docs without a value
in ogranisations and roles. It didn't matter if i used a base term, isn't
that give through the q-parameter?

-----Original Message-----
From: Raymond Wiker [mailto:rwi...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Dienstag, 18. Februar 2014 13:19
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Re: query parameters

That could be because the second condition does not do what you think it
does... have you tried running the second condition separately?

You may have to add a "base term" to the second condition, like what you
have for the "bq" parameter in your config file; i.e, something like

(*:* -organisations:["" TO *] -roles:["" TO *])

On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 12:16 PM, Andreas Owen <a...@conx.ch> wrote:

> It seams that fq doesn't except OR because: (organisations:(150 OR 41) 
> roles:(174)) OR  (-organisations:["" TO *] AND -roles:["" TO *]) only 
> returns docs that match the first conditions. it doesn't return any 
> docs with the empty fields organisations and roles.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andreas Owen [mailto:a...@conx.ch]
> Sent: Montag, 17. Februar 2014 05:08
> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
> Subject: query parameters
> in solrconfig of my solr 4.3 i have a userdefined requestHandler. i 
> would like to use fq to force the following conditions:
>    1: organisations is empty and roles is empty
>    2: organisations contains one of the commadelimited list in 
> variable $org
>    3: roles contains one of the commadelimited list in variable $r
>    4: rule 2 and 3
> snipet of what i got (havent checked out if the is a "in" operator 
> like in sql for the list value)
> <lst name="defaults">
>        <str name="echoParams">explicit</str>
>        <int name="rows">10</int>
>        <str name="defType">edismax</str>
>            <str name="synonyms">true</str>
>            <str name="qf">plain_text^10 editorschoice^200
>                 title^20 h_*^14
>                 tags^10 thema^15 inhaltstyp^6 breadcrumb^6 doctype^10
>                 contentmanager^5 links^5
>                 last_modified^5 url^5
>            </str>
>            <str name="fq">(organisations='' roles='') or 
> (organisations=$org roles=$r) or (organisations='' roles=$r) or 
> (organisations=$org roles='')</str>
>            <str name="bq">(expiration:[NOW TO *] OR (*:* 
> -expiration:*))^6</str>  <!-- tested: now or newer or empty gets small 
> boost -->
>            <str name="bf">div(clicks,max(displays,1))^8</str> <!-- 
> tested
> -->

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