Hi Metin,

How many IDs are you supplying in a single query? You could probably
accomplish this easily with boosts if it were few.

Michael Della Bitta

Applications Developer

o: +1 646 532 3062

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On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 1:25 PM, OSMAN Metin <metin.os...@canal-plus.com>wrote:

> Hi all,
> we are using SolR 4.4.0 and planning to migrate to 4.6.1 very soon.
> We are looking for a way to get results ordered in a certain way.
> For example, we are doing query by ids this way : q=id=A OR id =C OR id=B
> and we want the results to be sorted as A,C,B.
> Is there a good way to do this with SolR or should we sort the items on
> the client application side ?
> Regards,
> Metin

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