Am 03.03.2014 um 22:43 schrieb Shawn Heisey:

> On 3/3/2014 9:02 AM, Thomas Fischer wrote:
>> The setting is
>> solr directories (I use different solr versions at the same time):
>> /srv/solr/solr4.6.1 is the solr home, in solr home is a file solr.xml of the 
>> new "discovery type" (no cores), and inside the core directories are empty 
>> files and symbolic links to the universal conf directory.
>>  solr webapps (I use very different webapps simultaneously):
>> /srv/www/webapps/solr/solr4.6.1 is the solr webapp
>> I tried to convey this information to the tomcat server by putting a file 
>> solr4.6.1.xml into the cataiina/localhost folder with the contents
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
>> <Context docBase="/srv/www/webapps/solr/solr4.6.1" debug="0" 
>> crossContext="true">
>>      <Environment name="solr/home" type="java.lang.String" 
>> value="/srv/solr/solr4.6.1" override="true"/>
>> </Context>
> Your message is buried deep in another message thread about NoSQL, because 
> you replied to an existing message rather than starting a new message to 
>  On list-mirroring forums like Nabble, nobody 
> will even see your message (or this reply) unless they actually open that 
> other thread.  This is what it looks like on a threading mail reader 
> (Thunderbird):

Yes, I'm sorry, I only afterwards realized that my question inherited the 
thread from the E-Mail I was reading and using as a template for the answer.

Meanwhile I figured out that I overlooked the third place to define solr home 
for Tomcat (after JAVA_OPTS and JNDI): web.xml in WEB-INF of the given webapp.
This overrides the other definitions and created the impression that I couldn't 
set  solr home.

But now I get the message
"Could not load config file /srv/solr/solr4.6.1/cores/geo/solrconfig.xml"
for the core "geo".
In the solr wiki I read (
"In each core, Solr will look for a conf/solrconfig.xml file" and expected solr 
to look for
/srv/solr/solr4.6.1/cores/geo/conf/solrconfig.xml (which exists), but obviously 
it doesn't.
Why? My misunderstanding?


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