This, BTW, is an ENORMOUS number cached queries.

Here's a rough guide:
Each entry will be (length of query) + maxDoc/8 bytes long.

Think of the filterCache as a map where the key is the query
and the value is a bitmap large enough to hold maxDoc bits.

BTW, I'd kick this back to the default (512?) and periodically check
it with the admin>>plugins/stats page to see what kind of hit ratio
I have and adjust from there.


On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 11:00 AM, Benjamin Wiens
<> wrote:
> How can we calculate how much heap memory the filter cache will consume? We
> understand that in order to determine a good size we also need to evaluate
> how many filterqueries would be used over a certain time period.
> Here's our setting:
>     <filterCache
>       class="solr.FastLRUCache"
>       size="300000"
>       initialSize="300000"
>       autowarmCount="50000"/>
> According to the post below, 53 GB of RAM would be needed just by the
> filter cache alone with 1.4 million Docs. Not sure if this true and how
> this would work.
> Reference:
> We filled the filterquery cache with Solr Meter and had a JVM Heap Size of
> far less than 53 GB.
> Can anyone chime in and enlighten us?
> Thank you!
> Ben Wiens & Benjamin Mosior

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