Solr has extensive filtering tests.
The first step would be to double check that you see what you think
you are seeing, and then try and create an example to reproduce it.

For example, this works fine with the "example" data, and is of the
same form as your query:

-Yonik - solve Solr GC pauses with off-heap filters
and fieldcache

On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 4:51 PM, Vijay Kokatnur
<> wrote:
> <..Spawning this as a separate thread..>
> So I have a filter query with multiple "fq" parameters.  However, I have
> noticed that only the first "fq" is used for filtering.  For instance, a
> lookup with
> ...&fq=ClientID:2
> &fq=HotelID:234-PPP
> &fq={!cache=false}StartDate:[NOW/DAY TO *]
> In the above query, results are filtered only by ClientID and not by
> HotelID and StartDate.  The same thing happens with "q" query.  Does anyone
> know why?

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