Hi again!

I'm diving inside DirectUpdateHandler2 code and it seems that the problem
is that when a commit, when core.openNewSercher(true,true) is called it
returns a RefCounted<SolrIndexSearcher> with a new searcher reference that
points to an old (probably cached somehow) data dir. I've tried with
false) but it doesn't work. What I think that I need is simple: after a
commit, SolrIndexSearcher must be reload with a recent index snapshot not
using any NRT caching method or whatever.


    synchronized (solrCoreState.getUpdateLock()) { if (ulog != null)
ulog.preSoftCommit(cmd); if (cmd.openSearcher) { core.getSearcher(true,
false, waitSearcher); } else { // force open a new realtime searcher so
realtime-get and versioning code can see the latest *
RefCounted<SolrIndexSearcher> searchHolder = core.openNewSearcher(true,
true); * searchHolder.decref(); } if (ulog != null)
ulog.postSoftCommit(cmd); }

It seems that executing this a new SolrIndexSearcher is returned, but I
don't know how to set that new SolrIndexSearcher to the SolrCore instance:

* SolrIndexSearcher searcher = core.newSearcher("Last update searcher");*

Does anybody knows if possible?

Thanks in advance!


2014-03-12 12:10 GMT+01:00 Luis Cappa Banda <luisca...@gmail.com>:

> I've seen that StandardDirectoryReader appears in the commit logs. Maybe
> this DirectoryReader type is caching somehow the old segments in SolrB and
> SolrC even if they have been commited previosly. If that's true, does exist
> any other DirectoyReader type (I don't know, SimpleDirectoryReader or
> FSDirectoyReader) that always read the current segments when a commit
> happens?
> 2014-03-12 11:35 GMT+01:00 Luis Cappa Banda <luisca...@gmail.com>:
> Hey guys,
>> I've doing some tests sharing the same index between three Solr servers:
>> *SolrA*: is allowed to both read and index. The index is stored in a
>> NFS. It has its own configuration files.
>> *SolrB and SolrC*: they can only read from the shared index and each one
>> has their own configuration files. Solrconfig.xml has been changed with the
>> following parameters:
>> <lockType>single</lockType>
>> When all servers startup they all work perfectly executing search
>> operations. The problem appears when SolrA index new documents (commiting
>> itself afther that indexation operation). If I manually execute a commit or
>> a softCommit to SolrB or SolrC, they are not able to see the new documents
>> added even if it is suposed to reopen a new searcher when a commit occurs.
>> I have noticed that a commit operation in SolrA shows different segments
>> (the newest ones) compared with the logs that SorlB/SolrC has after a
>> commit. In other words, SolrA shows newer segments and SolrB/SolrC appears
>> to see just the old ones.
>> Is that normal? Any idea or suggestion to solve this?
>> Thank you in advance, :-)
>> Best regards,
>> --
>> - Luis Cappa
> --
> - Luis Cappa

- Luis Cappa

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