Hello Solr community,

We have been using Solr to great effect at OpenSource Connections.
Occasionally though, we'll hit a bug in say 4.5.1, that gets fixed in
4.6.0. Unfortunately, as 4.6.0 is a release sporting several new features,
there's invariably new bugs that get introduced. So while my bug in 4.5.1
is fixed, a new bug related to new features in 4.6.0 means 4.6.0 might be a

This is more a question for the PMC than anything (with comments from
others welcome). Would it be possible to do more minor bug-fix releases? I
realize this could be a burden, so maybe it would  be good to pick a
version and decide this will be a "long term support" release. We will
backport bug fixes and do several additional bug-fix releases for 4-6
months? Then we'd pick another version to be a "long term support" release?

This would help with the overall stability of Solr and help in the decision
about how/when to upgrade Solr.

Doug Turnbull
Search & Big Data Architect
OpenSource Connections <http://o19s.com>

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