Hi Oliver,

If you index a field (say source) holding table name, you can filter by that 
e.q. fq=source:TableA    http://wiki.apache.org/solr/CommonQueryParameters#fq

It is possible to query a specific attribute of a table. This is usually 
corresponds to fields in solr.

See https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Other+Parsers#OtherParsers 
for different type of joins.


On Monday, March 17, 2014 12:44 AM, Olivier Austina <olivier.aust...@gmail.com> 
I am new to Solr.

I would like to index and querying a relational database. Is it possible to
query a specific table or attribute of the database. Example if I have 2
tables A and B both have the attribute "name" and I want to have only the
results form the table A and not from table B. Is it possible?
Can I restrict the query to only one table without having result from
others table?
Is it possible to query a specific attribute of a table?
Is it possible to do join query like SQL?
Any suggestion is welcome. Thank you.


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