On Wed, 2014-03-19 at 22:01 +0100, tradergene wrote:
> I have a Solr index with about 32 million docs.  Each doc is relatively
> small but has multiple dynamic fields that are storing INTs.  The initial
> problem that I had to resolve is that we were running into OOMs (on a 48GB
> heap, 130GB on-disk index).  I narrowed that issue down to Lucene FieldCache
> filling up the heap due to all the dynamic fields.

48GB heap for a 130GB, 32M docs index sounds excessive.  Could you tell
us how many unique fields your searcher uses in total for faceting and
maybe the overall layout of your index? Is this perhaps a case of many
distinct groups of data put in the same index, where the searches are
always within a single group and each group has its own fields for
faceting? Are the fields single- or multi-valued?

- Toke Eskildsen, State and University Library, Denmark

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