I'm new to Solr and am exploring the idea of creating shards on the
fly. Once the shards have been created and populated, I am hoping to
use the "shards" query parameter to combine results from multiple
shards into a single results set.

By following the "Testing Index Sharding on Two Local Servers"
instructions[1] in the wiki I'm able to target two different shards
individually. It works great, I get three results from one shard and
one result from another shard. When I select them both with the
following query (straight from the wiki) I get all four results:


My immediate problem is trying to figure out how to convert this
example from two instances of Solr running on different ports (8983
and 7574) that each have a single shard to one instance of Solr that
has two shards.

Various posts[2] suggest this is possible but refer to older versions
of Solr and the instructions don't seem to work for Solr 4.7.0.

When I try the CREATESHARD API call from the wiki[3] I get "Solr
instance is not running in SolrCloud mode" which isn't a huge surprise
because it's documented under the Collections API under SolrCloud.

I don't know anything about SolrCloud. Not yet, anyway. My experience
with Solr so far involves running `java -jar start.jar` from the
"example" directory. I barely know what Zookeeper is.

My goal for now is to use CREATESHARD to create a new shard in a
single Solr instance and then verify it was created with the STATUS[4]

Can anyone please explain how I would accomplish this?

The thought is to have one shard for public data and a shard per user,
which is why I'm asking about creating the shards on the fly. (Logged
in users would see a mix of public and private data.) For now I'd like
to keep using a single Solr instance for simplicity. For more
background on where I'm coming from, please see





3. i.e. curl 

4. i.e. http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/cores?action=STATUS via
https://wiki.apache.org/solr/CoreAdmin#STATUS (or whatever the right
command would be to list shards)

Philip Durbin
Software Developer for http://thedata.org

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