On 30 March 2014 23:12, Priti Solanki <pritiatw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Member,
> Is there any difference between distributed solr & solrCloud ?

You might be confusing the older Solr distributed search with the new SolrCloud:
* Older distributed search: https://wiki.apache.org/solr/DistributedSearch
* SolrCloud: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/SolrCloud

> Consider I have three countries' product. I have indexed one country data
> and it's index size is 160 gb+
> Now we have other two countries and now I am confused !
> My client ask me what is the difference if we procure another Solr server
> and indexed separately....I was thinking for solrcloud.Can someone explain
> how we can explain these two approaches in simple words and if there are
> any reading links please share.

With 4.0+ versions of Solr, you probably want to go for SolrCloud.


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