The SSD is separated into logical volumes..each instance gets 100 GB SSD disk 
space to write its index.
If I add them all up its ~45GB in 1TB SSD disk space. 
Not sure I get " You should not be running more than one instance of Solr per 
machine.One instance of Solr can run multiple indexes. "   
Yeah I know that, we have been running 6-8 instances of SOLR using multicore 
ability since ~2008, supporting millions of small indexes. 
Now we are looking at SOLR cloud with large indexes to see if we can leverage 
some of its benefits.
As many folks have experienced, JVM with its stop the world pauses, cannot GC 
using CMS within acceptable limits with very large heaps. 
To utilize the H/W to its full potential, multiple instances on a single host 
is pretty common practice for us. 




-----Original Message-----
From: Shawn Heisey <>
To: solr-user <>
Sent: Sun, Mar 30, 2014 5:51 pm
Subject: Re: SOLR Cloud 4.6 - PERFORMANCE WARNING: Overlapping onDeckSearchers=2

On 3/30/2014 2:59 PM, Rishi Easwaran wrote:
> RAM shouldn't be a problem. 
> I have a box with 144GB RAM, running 12 instances with 4GB Java heap each.
> There are 9 instances wrting to 1TB of SSD disk space. 
>  Other 3 are writing to SATA drives, and have autosoftcommit disabled.

This brought up more questions than it answered.  I was assuming that
you only had a total of 4GB of index data, but after reading this, I
think my assumption may be incorrect.  If you add up all the Solr index
data on the SSD, how much disk space does it take?

You should not be running more than one instance of Solr per machine.
One instance of Solr can run multiple indexes.  Running more than one
results in quite a lot of overhead, and it seems unlikely that you would
need to dedicate 48GB of total RAM to the Java heap.



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