
I am not a windows user but if you installed that svnversion should be 
somewhere on disk.
Probably right next to svn. Find/locate it by file search, and add its folder 
to your path.
Once you do that you can invoke svnversion in command line.

For example here is the executables in my computer under /opt/subversion/bin: 
svn svnadmin    svnlook         svnserve        svnversion
svn-tools       svndumpfilter   svnrdump        svnsync

On Friday, April 4, 2014 9:18 PM, Puneet Pawaia <puneet.paw...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi. Yes I installed Tortoise svn.
On 4 Apr 2014 19:35, "Ahmet Arslan" <iori...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> When you install subversion, svnversion executable comes with that too.
> Did you install any svn client for Windows?
> On Friday, April 4, 2014 3:38 PM, Puneet Pawaia <puneet.paw...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hi all.
> I am trying to build lucene 4.7.1 from the sources. I can compile without
> any issues but when I try to build the dist, lucene gives me
> Cannot run program "svnversion" ... The system cannot find the specified
> file.
> I am compiling on Windows 7 64-bit using java version 64-bit.
> Where can I get this svnversion ?
> Thanks
> Puneet

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