And one solution is to use UpdateRequestProcessor that will create a
separate binary field for presence/absence and query on that instead.

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On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 11:13 PM, Chris Hostetter
<> wrote:
> : "field" : "" // this is the field that I want to learn which document has
> : it.
> How you (can) query for a field value like that is going to depend
> entirely on the FieldTYpe/Analyzer ... if it's a string field, of uses
> KeywordTokenizer then q=field:"" should find it -- if you use a more
> traditional analyzer then it probably didn't produce any terms for hte
> input "" and from Solr's perspective a document that was indexed using
> an empty string value is exactly the same as a document that had no value
> when index.
> In essenc,e your question is equivilent to asking "How can i search for
> doc1, but not doc2, evne though i'm using LowerCaseAnalyzer which produces
> exactly the same indexe terms or both...
>    doc1: Quick Fox
>    doc2: quick fox
> -Hoss

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