Actually I found why... I had and as lowercase word in my queries at the
checkbox does not seem to work in the admin UI.
adding lowercaseOperators=false made the queries work.

2014-04-04 18:10 GMT+02:00 Nils Kaiser <>:

> Hey,
> I am currently using solr to recognize songs and people from a list of
> user comments. My index stores the titles of the songs. At the moment my
> application builds word ngrams and fires a search with that query, which
> works well but is quite inefficient.
> So my thought was to simply use the collated comments as query. So it is a
> case where the query is much longer. I need to use mm=0 or mm=1.
> My plan was to use edismax as the pf2 and pf3 parameters should work well
> for my usecase.
> However when using longer queries, I get a strange behavior which can be
> seen in debugQuery.
> Here is an example:
> Collated Comments (used as query)
> "I love Henry so much. It is hard to tear your eyes away from Maria, but
> watch just his feet. You'll be amazed.
> sometimes pure skill can will a comp, sometimes pure joy can win... put
> them both together and there is no competition
> This video clip makes me smile.
> Pure joy!
> so good!
> Who's the person that gave this a thumbs down?!? This is one of the best
> routines I've ever seen. Period. And it's a competitionl! How is that
> possible? They're so good it boggles my mind.
> It's gorgeous. Flawless victory.
> Great number! Does anybody know the name of the piece?
> I believe it's called Sunny side of the street
> Maria is like, the best 'follow' I've ever seen. She's so amazing.
> Thanks so much Johnathan!"
> Song name in Index
> Louis Armstrong - Sunny Side of The Street
> parsedquery_toString:
> +(((text:I) (text:love) (text:Henry) (text:so) (text:much.) (text:It)
> (text:is) (text:hard) (text:to) (text:tear) (text:your) (text:eyes)
> (text:away) (text:from) (text:Maria,) (text:but) (text:watch) (text:just)
> (text:his) (text:feet.) (text:You'll) (text:be) (text:amazed.)
> (text:sometimes) (text:pure) (text:skill) (text:can) (text:will) (text:a)
> (text:comp,) (text:sometimes) (text:pure) (text:joy) (text:can)
> (text:win...) (text:put) (text:them) (text:both) +(text:together)
> +(text:there) (text:is) (text:no) (text:competition) (text:This)
> (text:video) (text:clip) (text:makes) (text:me) (text:smile.) (text:Pure)
> (text:joy!) (text:so) (text:good!) (text:Who's) (text:the) (text:person)
> (text:that) (text:gave) (text:this) (text:a) (text:thumbs) (text:down?!?)
> (text:This) (text:is) (text:one) (text:of) (text:the) (text:best)
> (text:routines) (text:I've) (text:ever) (text:seen.) +(text:Period.)
> +(text:it's) (text:a) (text:competitionl!) (text:How) (text:is) (text:that)
> (text:possible?) (text:They're) (text:so) (text:good) (text:it)
> (text:boggles) (text:my) (text:mind.) (text:It's) (text:gorgeous.)
> (text:Flawless) (text:victory.) (text:Great) (text:number!) (text:Does)
> (text:anybody) (text:know) (text:the) (text:name) (text:of) (text:the)
> (text:piece?) (text:I) (text:believe) (text:it's) (text:called)
> (text:Sunny) (text:side) (text:of) (text:the) (text:street) (text:Maria)
> (text:is) (text:like,) (text:the) (text:best) (text:'follow') (text:I've)
> (text:ever) (text:seen.) (text:She's) (text:so) (text:amazing.)
> (text:Thanks) (text:so) (text:much) (text:Johnathan!))~1)</str>
> This query generates 0 results. The reason is it expects terms together,
> there, Period., it's to be part of the document (see parsedquery above, all
> other terms are optional, those terms are must).
> Is there any reason for this behavior? If I use shorter queries it works
> flawlessly and returns the document.
> I've appended the whole query.
> Best,
> Nils

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