On 4/8/2014 3:17 AM, Sohan Kalsariya wrote:
I am using apache solr-4.6.1 and solr works fine when the number of
  requests are less
*But when the number of concurrent requests are more Solr is not able to
handle it and it gives the following errors on server.*

834246 [qtp1797259051-168] WARN  org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler
  - /solr/quickSearch/select
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Committed
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.Response.resetBuffer(Response.java:1144)
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.Response.sendError(Response.java:314)

This error is coming from Jetty.

Are you using the Jetty that comes with Solr, or are you using Jetty from another source? If you are using Jetty from another source, the maxThreads parameter may not be high enough. I believe the default in a typical Jetty config is 200, but the jetty that comes with Solr has this set to 10000 -- because Solr should not be limited in the number of threads it can create.

Are you using any custom or third-party Solr plugins, or applying any patches to Solr? There could be problems or incompatibilities there.


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