Thanks Shawn, I appreciate the information.

On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 10:27 AM, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:

> On 4/9/2014 7:47 AM, Jamie Johnson wrote:
> > This is being triggered by adding the commitWithin param to
> > ContentStreamUpdateRequest (request.setCommitWithin(10000);).  My
> > configuration has autoCommit max time of 15s and openSearcher set to
> false.
> >  I'm assuming that changing openSeracher to true should address this, and
> > adding the softCommit = true to the request would make the documents
> > available in the mean time?
> My personal opinion: autoCommit should not be used for document
> visibility, even though it CAN be used for it.  It belongs in every
> config that uses the transaction log, with openSearcher set to false,
> and carefully considered maxTime and/or maxDocs parameters.
> I think it's better to control document visibility entirely manually,
> but if you actually do want to have an automatic commit for document
> visibility, use autoSoftCommit.  It doesn't make any sense to disable
> openSearcher on a soft commit, so just leave that out.  The docs/time
> intervals for this can be smaller or greater than the intervals for
> autoCommit, depending on your needs.
> Any manual commits that you send probably should be soft commits, but
> honestly that doesn't really matter if your auto settings are correct.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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