
Two things:

1> Images generally get stripped by the mail server or by receiving
programs, all I see is a little box with "inline image 1" in it.
People often post images somewhere else and provide a link to get
around this problem.

2> No big deal, but it's better to start a new post when the topic
changes rather than change the subject, From:

When starting a new discussion on a mailing list, please do not reply to
an existing message, instead start a fresh email.  Even if you change the
subject line of your email, other mail headers still track which thread
you replied to and your question is "hidden" in that thread and gets less
attention.   It makes following discussions in the mailing list archives
particularly difficult.



On Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 4:51 AM, Aman Tandon <> wrote:
> Thanks Shawn, it works fine.
> But there is a problem showing in my tomcat logs related to log4j
> i have already put the log4j in lib directory of tomcat as well as in
> WEB-INF\classes\, but still this error is coming in the
> logs.
> Also there is no warm up queries showing i am confused.
> Please help me, that's why i just don't like windows PC :(
> On Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 1:00 PM, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:
>> On 4/12/2014 12:27 AM, Aman Tandon wrote:
>> > HI,
>> >
>> > Currently i am using solr 4.2 with tomcat right now i am stucked because
>> > i
>> > don't know how to upgrade to solr 4.7, because the problem for me is
>> > that i
>> > am familiar with the cores architecture of solr 4.2 in which we defined
>> > the
>> > every core name as well as instanceDir but not with solr 4.7.
>> > Any help will be appreciated, thanks
>> Solr 4.7 will use the solr.xml from a 4.2 install with no problem.  I
>> just upgraded one copy of my index from 4.2.1 to 4.7.1 without changing
>> my solr.xml.  There is no need to switch to the new format until 5.0
>> gets released, which is NOT going to happen soon.
>> If you use contrib or third party jars, you may need to be aware of
>> SOLR-4852.
>> If you do switch to the new solr.xml format, the instanceDir for each
>> core is the directory where the file is found.  It does
>> not need to be specified anywhere -- it will be discovered.
>> Thanks,
>> Shawn
> --
> With Regards
> Aman Tandon

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