
If you had a chance to change the code at client side I would suggest to
try that:
maybe a problem about character encoding of your Play App and here is the

Javabin is a custom binary format used to write out Solr's response in a
fast and efficient manner. As of Solr 3.1, the JavaBin format has changed
to version 2. Version 2 serializes strings differently: instead of writing
the number of UTF-16 characters followed by the bytes in Modified UTF-8 it
writes the number of UTF-8 bytes followed by the bytes in UTF-8.

Which version of Solr and Solrj do you use respectively? On the other hand
if you give us more information I can help you because there may be any
other interesting thing as like here:


2014-04-12 22:18 GMT+03:00 Prashant Golash <prashant.gol...@gmail.com>:

> Hi Solr Gurus,
> I have some doubt related to solrj client.
> My scenario is like this:
>    - There is a proxy server (Play App) which internally queries solr.
>    - The proxy server is called from client side, which uses Solrj library.
>    The issue is that I can't change client code. I can only change
>    configurations to call different servers, hence I need to use SolrJ.
>    - Results are successfully returned from my play app in
> *java-bin*format without modify them, but on client side, I am
> receiving this
>    exception:
> Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
> * at
> org.apache.solr.common.util.JavaBinCodec.readExternString(JavaBinCodec.java:689)*
> * at
> org.apache.solr.common.util.JavaBinCodec.readVal(JavaBinCodec.java:188)*
> * at
> org.apache.solr.common.util.JavaBinCodec.unmarshal(JavaBinCodec.java:112)*
> * at
> org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.BinaryResponseParser.processResponse(BinaryResponseParser.java:41)*
> * at
> org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrServer.request(HttpSolrServer.java:385)*
> * at
> org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrServer.request(HttpSolrServer.java:180)*
> * at
> org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.QueryRequest.process(QueryRequest.java:90)*
> * at org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServer.query(SolrServer.java:310)*
> * at
> com.ibm.commerce.foundation.internal.server.services.search.util.SearchQueryHelper.query(SearchQueryHelper.java:125)*
> * at
> com.ibm.commerce.foundation.server.services.rest.search.processor.solr.SolrRESTSearchExpressionProcessor.performSearch(SolrRESTSearchExpressionProcessor.java:506)*
> * at
> com.ibm.commerce.foundation.server.services.search.SearchServiceFacade.performSearch(SearchS*
> erviceFacade.java:193)
> I am not sure, if this exception is related to some issue in response
> format or with respect to querying non-solr server from solrj.
> Let me know your thoughts
> Thanks,
> Prashant

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