Make sure your field type has the autoGeneratePhraseQueries="true" attribute (default is false). q.op only applies to explicit terms, not to terms which decompose into multiple terms. Confusing? Yes!

-- Jack Krupansky

-----Original Message----- From: Alistair
Sent: Friday, April 18, 2014 6:11 AM
Subject: Having trouble with German compound words in Solr 4.7

Hello all,

I'm a fairly new Solr user and I need my search function to handle compound
words in German. I've searched through the archives and found that Solr
already has a Filter Factory made for such words called
DictionaryCompoundWordTokenFilterFactory. I've already built a list of words
that I want split, and it seems like the filter is working correctly in most
cases, the majority of our searches are clothing items so let's say
"/schwarzkleid/" (black dress) becomes "/schwarz/" "/kleid/", which is what
I want to happen. However, it seems like the keyword search is done using an
*OR* operator. So I'm seeing items that are either black or are dresses but
I just want to see items that are both. I've also read that changing the
default operator in schema.xml or adding q.op as *AND* in the solrconfig.xml
will rectify this issue, but nothing has changed in my query results. It
still uses the *OR* operator.
I've tried using Extended dismax in my queries but I am using the Solr PHP
library and I don't think it supports adding Dismax filters to the queries
themselves (if I'm wrong, please correct me). By the way, I am using Zend
Framework 2.0 in the backend and am communicating with Solr through the Solr
PHP library:  Solr PHP <>  .

Any suggestions on how to change the operator after my compound word queries
have been split?



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