On 4/29/2014 11:43 PM, Aman Tandon wrote:
> My heap size is 14GB and  i am not using solr cloud currently, 40GB index
> is replicated from master to two slaves.
> I read somewhere that it return the partial results which is computed by
> the query in that specified amount of time which is defined by this
> timeAllowed parameter, but it doesn't seems to happen.

Mikhail Khludnev has replied and explained why timeAllowed isn't
stopping the query and returning partial results.

A 14GB heap is quite large.  If you aren't starting Solr with garbage
collection tuning parameters, long GC pauses *will* be happening, and
that will make some of your queries take a really long time.  The wiki
page I sent has a section about garbage collection and a link showing
the GC tuning parameters that I use.

You didn't indicate how much total RAM you have.  If your total RAM is
16GB, that's definitely not enough for a 14GB heap and a 40GB index.
32GB of total RAM might be enough, but it also might not be.  A "perfect
world" RAM size for this setup would be at least 54GB -- the total of
heap plus index size, not counting the small number of megabytes that
the OS and its basic services take.


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