On 5/5/2014 5:39 AM, Sohan Kalsariya wrote:
> I am not able to search for the data while indexing.
> Indexing is done via the dataimport handler.
> While searching for the documents (in between indexing is happening), it
> gives the broken pipe exception and wont search anything.
> What should be the proper solution for this problem?

A broken pipe exception means that your client gave up and timed out
before Solr could respond, so it closed the TCP connection.  When Solr
finally was able to respond, the connection was gone, so the servlet
container logged that exception.

The most common reason for underlying performance issues that causes
problems like this is that you don't have enough RAM.  It could be
something else, of course.  A number of possible options are covered on
this wiki page:


I see that you asked the same question on the IRC channel early this
morning (in my timezone), but you were gone before I was awake to see that.


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