You can have two parallel multi-value fields and as long as you don't
introduce null/empty values, they will kept together. However, for
recent Solr (4.7? certainly 4.8), you may want to look at parent/child
entries and join/parent/child queries.

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On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 7:20 AM, Steve Edwards <> wrote:
> I'm using Sorl to create an image search functionality that allows users to 
> search for an existing image in the site to add to new content.  A given 
> piece of content has a field that can store multiple images, so I will need 
> to use a multi-value Solr field to store image data. Currently, I'm storing 
> the path and file name in a tom_* field, since I want to be able to search on 
> file name. However, another piece of data that I need to store and retrieve 
> is the file id used to identify the file in the database (in the same table 
> as the image path). What is the best way to store this data so that the file 
> id and path values are properly synced, since there can be multiple images 
> for each piece of content?  I could just store the file path/name (I need 
> that data to be searchable, so it has to be stored in Solr), and then query 
> the db for the fid once I get the results back, but I'd rather not do that if 
> I don't have to.
> Searching around, it doesn't appear that I can store multiple pieces of data 
> in one field without doing some sort of concatenation and then splitting at 
> query time.  If I just use two separate fields in each document, is it safe 
> to assume that the values will be synchronized in the search results? In 
> other words, if I put two values each into tom_image_path and 
> im_image_file_id, when I query and the document is returned, can I assume the 
> values in the two fields are synchronized?
> Or, is there a way to store multiple pieces of data in one field so that they 
> can be indexed together and then retrived together?
> Thanks.
> Steve

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