
  Need some clarification on multilevel composite-id routing in SolrCloud
.I'm currently composite id routing using the following pattern *topic!url* .
This is aimed at run-time de-duplication based on topic field. As I'm
adding support for language search, I felt the need to include language
parameter for better multi-tenancy. Here's the new key structure I'm
thinking of --> *language!topic!url*.
An example would be : english!12345!www.testurl.com

Now, during query time, I'll always have language parameter at my disposal.
I was thinking,of leveraging the shard.key parameter to specify
*, which will route the request to the right shard and bring back english
content. Is this a valid assumption ?

Also, as per my understanding, the three fields will default to 8,8 and 16
bits of the routing hash. What'll be a valid scenario for providing
a custom allocation of bits for these fields. I was referring to the
following article http://searchhub.org/2014/01/06/10590/ , but was not
entirely sure on this section.

*At query time:*

*To query all records for myapp: shard.keys=myapp/8!*

*Note the explicit mention of 8 bits in case of querying by component 1
only i.e. app level. This is required because the usage of the router as 2
or 3 level isn’t implicit. Specifying ’8′ bits for the component highlights
the use of ’3′ level router*.
Any feedback will be much appreciated.


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