I can answer some of this myself now that I have dived into it to understand what Solr/Lucene does and to see if it can be done better * In current Solr/Lucene (or at least in 4.4) indices on both "no_dlng_doc_ind_sto" and "timestamp_dlng_doc_ind_sto" are used and the doc-id-sets found are intersected to get the final set of doc-ids * It IS more efficient to just use the index for the "no_dlng_doc_ind_sto"-part of the request to get doc-ids that match that part and then fetch timestamp-doc-values for those doc-ids to filter out the docs that does not match the "timestamp_dlng_doc_ind_sto"-part of the query. I have made changes to our version of Solr (and Lucene) to do that and response-times go from about 10 secs to about 1 sec (of course dependent on whats in file-cache etc.) - in cases where "no_dlng_doc_ind_sto" hit about 500-1000 docs and "timestamp_dlng_doc_ind_sto" hit about 3-4 billion.

Regards, Per Steffensen

On 19/05/14 13:33, Per Steffensen wrote:

Lets say I have a Solr collection (running across several servers) containing 5 billion documents. A.o. each document have a value for field "no_dlng_doc_ind_sto" (a long) and field "timestamp_dlng_doc_ind_sto" (also a long). Both "no_dlng_doc_ind_sto" and "timestamp_dlng_doc_ind_sto" are doc-value, indexed and stored. Like this in schema.xml <dynamicField name="*_dlng_doc_ind_sto" type="dlng" indexed="true" stored="true" required="true" docValues="true"/> <fieldType name="dlng" class="solr.TrieLongField" precisionStep="0" positionIncrementGap="0" docValuesFormat="Disk"/>

I make queries like this: no_dlng_doc_ind_sto:(<NO>) AND timestamp_dlng_doc_ind_sto:([<TIME_START> TO <TIME_END>]) * The "no_dlng_doc_ind_sto:(<NO>)"-part of a typical query will hit between 500 and 1000 documents out of the total 5 billion * The "timestamp_dlng_doc_ind_sto:([<TIME_START> TO <TIME_END>])"-part of a typical query will hit between 3-4 billion documents out of the total 5 billion

Question is how Solr/Lucene deals with such requests?
I am thinking that using the indices on both "no_dlng_doc_ind_sto" and "timestamp_dlng_doc_ind_sto" to get two sets of doc-ids and then make an intersection of those might not be the most efficient. You are making an intersection of two doc-id-sets of size 500-1000 and 3-4 billion. It might be faster to just use the index for "no_dlng_doc_ind_sto" to get the doc-ids for the 500-1000 documents, then for each of those fetch their "timestamp_dlng_doc_ind_sto"-value (using doc-value) to filter out the ones among the 500-1000 that does not match the timestamp-part of the query. But what does Solr/Lucene actually do? Is it Solr- or Lucene-code that make the decision on what to do? Can you somehow "hint" the search-engine that you want one or the other method used?

Solr 4.4 (and corresponding Lucene), BTW, if that makes a difference

Regards, Per Steffensen

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