On 5/27/2014 10:41 AM, Matt Kuiper wrote:
> I am using ZkCLI -cmd upconfig with a reload of each Solr node to update my 
> solrconfig within my SolrCloud.  I noticed the linkconfig option at 
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Command+Line+Utilities, and 
> do not quite understand where this option is designed to be used.

If you use linkconfig with a collection that does not exist, you end up
with a collection *stub* in zookeeper that just contains the
configName.  At that point you can create the collection manually with
CoreAdmin or automatically with the Collection Admin, and I would expect
that with the latter, you'd be able to leave out the
collection.configName parameter.

If you use linkconfig with a collection that already exists, you can
change which configName is linked to that collection.  This is an easy
way to swap in a dev config on an existing collection.


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