Support for keys, tagging and excluding filters in StatsComponent was added
with SOLR-3177 in v4.8.0

You can specify e.g. stats.field={!key=xyz}id and the output will use "xyz"
instead of "id".

On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 1:55 PM, Mohit Jain <> wrote:

> Hi,
> In a solr request one can specify aliasing for returned fields using
> <key>:<fl_name> in "fl" param. I was looking at stats component and found
> that similar support is not available. I do not want to expose internal
> field names to external world. The plan is to do it in "fl" fashion instead
> of post-processing the response at external layer.
> I was wondering if exclusion of this feature is by choice or it's just that
> it was not added till now.
> Thanks
> Mohit

Shalin Shekhar Mangar.

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