
Custom similarity returning 1 in coord factor?


On Friday, May 30, 2014 11:41 PM, Diego Fernandez <difer...@redhat.com> wrote:
Hi! I have a question which I posted on 
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23959727/sum-of-nested-queries-in-solr about 
taking the sum of OR'd nested queries.  I'll repeat it here, but if you want 
some SO points and have an answer, feel free to answer there.


We have a search that takes text from two different fields and then searches 
against 3 different fields.

The two input fields are a summary and description, and the fields we're 
searching in are issue, title, and body. We'd like to essentially perform the 2 
queries and then add up their score. We'd also like to boost the summary query 
and the issue field. Here's what I have right now (slightly simplified):

_query_:"{!edismax qf='issue^2 body title' boost=1.5}<summary query>" OR 
_query_:"{!edismax qf='issue^2 body title'}<description query>"

The problem with this is that if either summary or description don't match to 
anything in a result, the result gets penalized with coord(1/2). I would like 
to simply add the two together and ignore the coord. Is there a way to do this?



Diego Fernandez - 爱国
Software Engineer
US GSS Supportability - Diagnostics

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