On 5/31/2014 1:54 PM, Aniket Bhoi wrote:
> Caused by: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: The result
>>> set is closed.

I still think this is an indication of the source of the problem.
Something closed the connection to your SQL server before Solr was done
with it.  That could have been JDBC itself, or it might have been
something else.  I think I can safely say that it wasn't Solr.

Your stacktrace indicates that Tomcat's database connection pooling is
active.  Tomcat's connection pooling has a feature for dropping
abandoned connections.  If you have enabled this feature, this could be
the problem.

Abandoned connection dropping (when it is enabled) happens by default 60
seconds after the connection is established.  If you have database
connections that last longer than 60 seconds (which Solr's dataimport is
very likely to do), you need to increase removeAbandonedTimeout to
something larger than the longest time an import is likely to last -- or
disable removeAbandoned entirely.  The latter is probably a better option.



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