I'm curious about strategies for managing Solr indexing failures. If
there's an indexing problem, I'd like my application to retry the
indexing operation.

I noticed that Chef uses RabbitMQ for (apparently) all Solr indexing
operations. http://docs.opscode.com/server_components.html has this to

"Messages are sent to the Search Index using the following components:

1. RabbitMQ is used as the message queue for the Chef server. All
items that will be added to the search index repository are first
added to a queue.

2. chef-expander is used to pull messages from the RabbitMQ queue,
process them into the required format, and then post them to chef-solr
for indexing."

Is using a message broker such as RabbitMQ a recommended or common
approach to managing Solr indexing failures? How about a job queue in
a database table instead? Other ideas? If there's an indexing problem,
I'd like to retry a reasonable number of times and have some reporting
of these problems.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts or pointers on this topic,


Philip Durbin
Software Developer for http://thedata.org

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