How much free system memory do you have for the OS to cache file system data? If your entire index fits in system memory operations will be fast, but as your index grows beyond the space the OS can use to cache the data, performance will decline.

But there's no hard limit in Solr per se.

-- Jack Krupansky

-----Original Message----- From: Vineet Mishra
Sent: Tuesday, June 3, 2014 8:43 AM
Subject: Solr maximum Optimal Index Size per Shard

Hi All,

Has anyone came across the maximum threshold document or size wise for each
core of solr to hold.
As I have indexed some 10 Million Documents of 18Gb and when I index
another 5 (9Gb)Million Documents on top of these indexes it responds little
slow with Stats query.

Considering I have around 2Tb of data to index what should be an
appropriate balanced proportionate of Data vs # of Shards.

Its more of a indexing Big data for NRT.
Looking forward for your response.


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