On 6/6/2014 9:08 AM, eShard wrote:
> However, when I try to call my /elevate handler; the synonyms are factored
> in but none of the results say [elevated]=true
> I'm assuming this is because the elevation must be an exact match and the
> synonyms are expanding it beyond that so elevation is thwarted.
> For example, if I have TV elevated and TV is also in synonyms.txt then the
> query gets expanded to text:TV text:television.
> Is there any way to get the elevation to work correctly with synonyms?

I see two choices here.  The first, which is the only one that I can
reasonably be sure will work, is to do synonym expansion only at index
time.  The other is to put the fully expanded query into the elevate
config.  I do not know if this will actually work -- the situation may
involve more complexity.

Often synonyms are only done for one analysis chain, but if that's the
case, they are usually done for the query side, not the index side. 
Therefore, if the elevate config will do it, the latter option above
would be preferred.  If you change your synonyms, you might need to also
change your elevate config.


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