Yes, always use three or a higher odd number of machines. It is best to have 
them on dedicated machines and unless the cluster is very large three small VPS 
machines with 512 MB RAM suffice.
-----Original message-----
From:Gili Nachum <>
Sent:Tue 10-06-2014 08:58
Subject:Recommended ZooKeeper topology in Production; 
Is there a recommended ZooKeeper topology for production Solr environments?

I was planning: 3 ZK nodes, each on its own dedicated machine.

Thinking that dedicated machines, separate from Solr servers, would keep ZK
isolated from resource contention spikes that may occur on Solr. Also, if a
Solr machine goes down, there would still be 3 ZK nodes to handle the event

If I want to save on resources, placing each ZK instance on the same box as
Solr instance in considered common practice in production environments?


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