On 6/10/2014 1:17 PM, Joshi, Shital wrote:
> We upgraded from Solr version 4.4 to 4.8. In doing so we also upgraded from 
> JDK 1.6 to 1.7. After few days of testing, we decided to move back to 4.4. We 
> get following error in all nodes and our cloud is not usable. How do we fix 
> it?
> Format version is not supported (resource: 
> MMapIndexInput(path="/local/data/solr1/index.20140324041707963/segments.gen")):
>  -3 (needs to be between -2 and -2)
> We tried to switch back to 4.8 but get same error. 

This would mean that your index is at least partially built by the 4.8
version.  I believe the default index format changed in version 4.5, so
any index created or modified by 4.8 will not work in 4.4.

It should have worked once you upgraded back to 4.8, so what I think
might be happening is that you still have leftovers from the 4.4 .war
extraction, or possibly some older Lucene jars on your classpath that
are getting loaded instead of the 4.8 jars.  You'll want to remove any
extra lucene or solr jars that are hanging around, as well as any
extracted .war file contents in your servlet container.  For the example
container, you can find these extracted files in the "solr-webapp"


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