(NOTE: cross-posted announcement, please confine any replies to general@lucene)

As you may be aware, ApacheCon will be held this year in Budapest, on
November 17-23. (See http://apachecon.eu for more info.)

### ### 1 - Call For Papers - June 25

The CFP for the conference is still open, but will end on June 25th.

If you have an idea for a Lucene/Solr related session @ ApacheCon please submit it. All types of sessions are of interest to ApacheCon attendees -- from deep technical talks about internals, hands-on tutorials of specific features, general introductions for beginners, "How we did X" case studies about your own expereinces, etc...

Please consider submitting a proposal, at

### ### 2 - Travel Assistance - July 25th

The Travel Assistance Committee (TAC) is happy to anounce that applications for ApacheCon Europe 2014 will be accepted until July 25th.

Applications are welcome from individuals within the Apache community
at-large, users, developers, educators, students, Committers, and Members,
who need financial support to attend ApacheCon.

Please be aware the seats are very limited, and all applicants will be
scored on their individual merit.

More information can be found at http://www.apache.org/travel including a
link to the online application and detailed instructions for submitting.


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