: I think you'd have to get creative with function queries. The trick is

You don't have to get *very* creative...

: > I want to retrieve all docs or records from solr where  updateDate >=
: > appliedDate OR appliedDate == null

Pretty sure all you need is...

        fq={!frange l=0}ms(updateDate,appliedDate)

...the ms function will subtract the dates and return the number of 
seconds they differ -- so if the number is greater then of equal to 0 
appliedDate comes after updateDate.  The only tricky part is the "there is 
no appliedDate" part of your question -- but i still think thta will work, 
becuase i'm pretty sure in the context of ms() a doc w/o an appliedDate 
will get an effective appliedDate of "0" -- test to be sure.



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