On 6/16/2014 11:34 PM, Gaurav Deshpande wrote:
> I want to perform name searches in Solr on String and text datatypes but 
> names contain apostrophes in it.
> Is there a way I can escape these apostrophes and perform searches ?
> Using '\' before apostrophe results in forbidden access due to cross site 
> scripting attacks.
> Any help or pointers regarding this would be appreciated.

If I start up the Solr example from branch_4x and send the following query:


Solr will not complain at all.  I would bet that you have a proxy or a
load balancer in front of Solr that is treating your input as a possible
attack and denying it.  You would need to look into the configuration of
the proxy or load balancer to fix this.

It is entirely possible that you have a proxy on your network that you
are not aware of.  Sometimes large companies will send *all*
user-generated network traffic through a proxy to check for viruses,
trojans, and illegal/objectionable network usage.


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