You’ll see that all the fields are visible when you either use /browse?wt=xml 
or /browse?debugQuery=true, so the values are all there (via fl=*).  The 
default non-debug view only shows a few fields, but you can adjust the 
template(s) used to render things how you’d like.  The main template to render 
each document is hit.vm*, and I generally replace what’s in there with what’s 
in hit_plain.vm that you’ll find also in the example templates.



On Jun 18, 2014, at 5:51 AM, Vivekanand Ittigi <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I want to use VelocityResponseWriter in solr.
> I've indexed a website( for example If i type
> a query
> http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1/select?q=santhos&wt=xml&indent=true
> <http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1/select?q=*%3A*&wt=xml&indent=true>
> I will get all the fields related to that document (content,host,title,url
> etc) but if i put the query in velocity
> http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1/browse?q=santhosh i will see only 3
> fields(id,url,content) instead of all other fields.
> How can i display all the fields??
> This is in solrconfig.xml
> <requestHandler name="/browse" class="solr.SearchHandler">
>     <lst name="defaults">
>       <str name="echoParams">explicit</str>
>       <!-- VelocityResponseWriter settings -->
>       <str name="wt">velocity</str>
>       <str name="v.template">browse</str>
>       <str name="v.layout">layout</str>
>       <str name="title">Solritas</str>
>       <!-- Query settings -->
>       <str name="defType">edismax</str>
>       <str name="qf">
>          text^0.5 features^1.0 name^1.2 sku^1.5 id^10.0 manu^1.1 cat^1.4
>          title^10.0 description^5.0 keywords^5.0 author^2.0
> resourcename^1.0
>       </str>
>       <str name="df">text</str>
>       <str name="mm">100%</str>
>       <str name="q.alt">*:*</str>
>       <str name="rows">10</str>
>       <str name="fl">*,score</str>
>       <str name="mlt.qf">
>         text^0.5 features^1.0 name^1.2 sku^1.5 id^10.0 manu^1.1 cat^1.4
>         title^10.0 description^5.0 keywords^5.0 author^2.0 resourcename^1.0
>       </str>
>       <str
> name="mlt.fl">text,features,name,sku,id,manu,cat,title,description,keywords,author,resourcename</str>
>       <int name="mlt.count">3</int>
>       <!-- Faceting defaults -->
>       <str name="facet">on</str>
>       <str name="facet.field">cat</str>
>       <str name="facet.field">manu_exact</str>
>       <str name="facet.field">content_type</str>
>       <str name="facet.field">author_s</str>
>       <str name="facet.query">ipod</str>
>       <str name="facet.query">GB</str>
>       <str name="facet.mincount">1</str>
>       <str name="facet.pivot">cat,inStock</str>
>       <str name="facet.range.other">after</str>
>       <str name="facet.range">price</str>
>       <int name="f.price.facet.range.start">0</int>
>       <int name="f.price.facet.range.end">600</int>
>       <int name="">50</int>
>       <str name="facet.range">popularity</str>
>       <int name="f.popularity.facet.range.start">0</int>
>       <int name="f.popularity.facet.range.end">10</int>
>       <int name="">3</int>
>       <str name="facet.range">manufacturedate_dt</str>
>       <str
> name="f.manufacturedate_dt.facet.range.start">NOW/YEAR-10YEARS</str>
>       <str name="f.manufacturedate_dt.facet.range.end">NOW</str>
>       <str name="">+1YEAR</str>
>       <str name="f.manufacturedate_dt.facet.range.other">before</str>
>       <str name="f.manufacturedate_dt.facet.range.other">after</str>
>       <!-- Highlighting defaults -->
>       <str name="hl">on</str>
>       <str name="hl.fl">content features title name</str>
>       <str name="hl.encoder">html</str>
>       <str name="hl.simple.pre">&lt;b&gt;</str>
>       <str name="">&lt;/b&gt;</str>
>       <str name="f.title.hl.fragsize">0</str>
>       <str name="f.title.hl.alternateField">title</str>
>       <str name="">0</str>
>       <str name="">name</str>
>       <str name="f.content.hl.snippets">3</str>
>       <str name="f.content.hl.fragsize">200</str>
>       <str name="f.content.hl.alternateField">content</str>
>       <str name="f.content.hl.maxAlternateFieldLength">750</str>
>       <!-- Spell checking defaults -->
>       <str name="spellcheck">on</str>
>       <str name="spellcheck.extendedResults">false</str>
>       <str name="spellcheck.count">5</str>
>       <str name="spellcheck.alternativeTermCount">2</str>
>       <str name="spellcheck.maxResultsForSuggest">5</str>
>       <str name="spellcheck.collate">true</str>
>       <str name="spellcheck.collateExtendedResults">true</str>
>       <str name="spellcheck.maxCollationTries">5</str>
>       <str name="spellcheck.maxCollations">3</str>
>     </lst>
>     <!-- append spellchecking to our list of components -->
>     <arr name="last-components">
>       <str>spellcheck</str>
>     </arr>
>  </requestHandler>
> Thanks,
> Vivek

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