On 6/18/2014 10:57 AM, Benjamin Wiens wrote:
> Thanks Erick!
> So let's say I have a config of
> <filterCache
> class="solr.FastLRUCache"
> size="10000"
> initialSize="10000"
> autowarmCount="5000"/>
> MaxDocuments = 1,000,000
> So according to your formula, filterCache should roughly have the potential
> to consume this much RAM:
> ((1,000,000 / 8) + 128) * (10,000) = 1,251,280,000 byte / 1,000 =
> 1,251,280 kb / 1,000 = 1,251.28 mb / 1000 = 1.25 gb

Yes, this is essentially correct.  If you want to arrive at a number
that's more accurate for the way that OS tools will report memory,
you'll divide by 1024 instead of 1000 for each of the larger units. 
That results in a size of 1.16GB instead of 1.25.  Computers think in
powers of 2, dividing by 1000 assumes a bias to how people think, in
powers of 10.  It's the same thing that causes your computer to report
931GB for a 1TB hard drive.


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