Thank you Erik (and to steffkes who helped me on the IRC #Solr Chat). Sorry
for the delay in responding, but I got this to work. 

        Your suggestion about adding debug=true to the query helped me. Since I 
adding this to the Velocity request handler, I could not see the debug
results, but when I added wt=xml i.e. /products?q=hp|lync&
debug=true&wt=xml, I could see the Parsed Query as well as the Parser used
for each handler. 

        Thanks also to steffkes who answered my question in the original post 
IRC) i.e. both of my handlers go through
org.apache.solr.servlet.SolrDispatchFilter, particularly it’s the doFilter()
method that I was looking for.

        Also as steffkes pointed out, (from my original post), the /products
request handler uses the ExtendedDismaxQParser whereas the second /search or
/select request handler uses the LuceneQParser. It seems that these two
parsers handle the | sign very differently.  For my limited private
installation, I decided to get to the base class of ExtendedDismaxQParser &
LuceneQParser i.e. QParser. There in the constructor, I strip out the | sign
from the qstr parameter. This is probably the dirtiest way to get this to
work, but it works for now. 

Thanks again to you all.
O. O. 

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