Hi Daniel,

You said inputs are "human-generated" and outputs are "lucene objects". So
my question is what does the below query mean. Does this fall under
human-generated one or lucene.?



On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 3:55 PM, Daniel Collins <danwcoll...@gmail.com>

> Alexandre's response is very thorough, so I'm really simplifying things, I
> confess but here's my "query parsers for dummies". :)
> In terms of inputs/outputs, a QueryParser takes a string (generally assumed
> to be "human generated" i.e. something a user might type in, so maybe a
> sentence, a set of words, the format can vary) and outputs a Lucene Query
> object (
> http://lucene.apache.org/core/4_8_1/core/org/apache/lucene/search/Query.html
> ),
> which in fact is a kind of "tree" (again, I'm simplifying I know) since a
> query can contain nested expressions.
> So very loosely its a translator from a human-generated query into the
> structure that Lucene can handle.  There are several different query
> parsers since they all use different input syntax, and ways of handling
> different constructs (to handle A and B, should the user type "+A +B" or "A
> and B" or just "A B" for example), and have different levels of support for
> the various Query structures that Lucene can handle: SpanQuery, FuzzyQuery,
> PhraseQuery, etc.
> We for example use an XML-based query parser.  Why (you might well ask!),
> well we had an already used and supported query syntax of our own, which
> our users understood, so we couldn't use an off the shelf query parser.  We
> could have built our own in Java, but for a variety of reasons we parse our
> queries in a front-end system ahead of Solr (which is C++-based), so we
> needed an interim format to pass queries to Solr that was as near to a
> Lucene Query object as we could get (and there was an existing XML parser
> to save us starting from square one!).
> As part of that Query construction (but independent of which QueryParser
> you use), Solr will also make use of a set of Tokenizers and Filters (
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Understanding+Analyzers,+Tokenizers,+and+Filters
> )
> but that's more to do with dealing with the terms in the query (so in my
> examples above, is A a real word, does it need stemming, lowercasing,
> removing because its a stopword, etc).

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