On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 10:15 AM, Yago Riveiro <yago.rive...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yonik,
> This native code uses in any way the docValues?

Nope... not yet.  It is something I think we should look into in the
future though.

> In the past I was forced to indexed a big portion of my data with docValues 
> enable. OOP problems with large terms dictionaries and GC was my main problem.
> Other good optimization can be do facet aggregations offsite the heap to 
> minimize the GC,

Yeah, the single-valued string faceting in Heliosearch currently does
this (the "counts" array is also off-heap).

> To ensure that facet aggregations has enough ram we need a large heap, in 
> machines with a lot of ram maybe if this aggregation was made offsite this 
> allow us reduce the heap size.

Yeah, it's nice not having to worry so much about the correct heap size too.

http://heliosearch.org - native code faceting, facet functions,
sub-facets, off-heap data

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