
I need to de-fragment my index.  My question is, how much free disk space I 
need before I can do so?  My understanding is, I need 1X free disk space of my 
current index un-optimized index size before I can optimize it.  Is this true?

That is, let say my index is 20 GB (un-optimized) then I must have 20 GB of 
free disk space to make sure the optimization is successful.  The reason for 
this is because during optimization the index is re-written (is this the case?) 
and if it is already optimized, the re-write will create a new 20 GB index 
before it deletes the old one (is this true?), thus why there must be at least 
20 GB free disk space.

Can someone help me with this or point me to a wiki on this topic?


- MJ

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