I think you are correct -- deinitely looks like a bug to me...


: Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 10:45:12 +0000
: From: 海老澤 志信 <shinobu_ebis...@waku-2.com>
: Reply-To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
: To: "solr-user@lucene.apache.org" <solr-user@lucene.apache.org>
: Subject: group.ngroups is set to an incorrect value - specific field types
: Hi,
: I'm using Solr version 4.1.
: I found a bug in group.ngroups. So could anyone kindly take a look at my bug 
: If I specify the type Double as group.field, the value of group.ngroups is 
set to be an incorrect value.
: [condition]
: - Double is defined in group.field
: - Documents without the field which is defined as group.field,
: [Sample query and Example]
: -------------------------------
: solr/select?q=*:*&group=true&group.ngroups=true&group.field=Double_Field
: * "Double_Field" is defined "solr.TrieDoubleField" type.
: -------------------------------
: When documents with group.field are 4 and documents without group.field are 6,
: then it turns out 10 of group.ngroups as result of the query.
: But I think that group.ngroups should be 5 rightly in this case.
: [Root Cause]
: It seems there is a bug in the source code of Lucene.
: There is a function that compares a list of whether these groups contain the 
same group.field,
: It calls MutableValueDouble.compareSameType().
: See below the point which seems to be a root cause.
: -----------------------------
:     if (!exists) return -1;
:     if (!b.exists) return 1;
: -----------------------------
: If "exists" is false, it return -1.
: But I think it should return 0, when "exists" and "b.exists" are equal.
: [Similar problem]
: There is a similar problem to MutableValueBool.compareSameType().
: Therefore, when you grouping the field of type Boolean (solr.BoolField), 
: value of group.ngroups is always 0 or 1 .
: [Solution]
: I propose the following modifications: MutableValueDouble.compareSameType()
: ===================================================================
: --- MutableValueDouble.java   
: +++ MutableValueDouble.java   
: @@ -54,9 +54,8 @@
:      MutableValueDouble b = (MutableValueDouble)other;
:      int c = Double.compare(value, b.value);
:      if (c != 0) return c;
: -    if (!exists) return -1;
: -    if (!b.exists) return 1;
: -    return 0;
: +    if (exists == b.exists) return 0;
: +    return exists ? 1 : -1;
:    }
: ===================================================================
: I propose the following modifications: MutableValueBool.compareSameType()
: ===================================================================
: --- MutableValueBool.java     
: +++ MutableValueBool.java     
: @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
:    @Override
:    public int compareSameType(Object other) {
:      MutableValueBool b = (MutableValueBool)other;
: -    if (value != b.value) return value ? 1 : 0;
: +    if (value != b.value) return value ? 1 : -1;
:      if (exists == b.exists) return 0;
:      return exists ? 1 : -1;
:    }
: ===================================================================
: Thanks,
: Ebisawa


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