On 6/30/2014 3:19 AM, gurunath wrote:
> I want to setup solr in production, Initially the data set i am using is of
> small scale, the size of data will grow gradually. I have heard about using
> "*Big Data Work for Hadoop and Solr*", Is this a better option for large
> data or better to go ahead with tomcat or jetty server with solr.

Regardless of whether you integrate with hadoop or not, running Solr
requires a servlet container, like jetty (included in the download),
tomcat, or one of the other choices available.  The jetty that's
included in Solr is strongly recommended, unless you already have
extensive experience with another servlet container.

For Solr 5.0, that requirement is expected to disappear -- Solr will
hopefully be an actual application, not a webapp that requires a servlet


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