On 7/1/2014 4:57 AM, mskeerthi wrote:
> I have to download my 5 million records from sqlserver to solr into one
> index. I am getting below exception after downloading 1 Million records. Is
> there any configuration or another to download from sqlserver to solr.
> Below is the exception i am getting in solr:
> org.apache.solr.common.SolrException; auto commit
> error...:java.lang.IllegalStateException: this writer hit an
> OutOfMemoryError; cannot commit

JDBC has a bad habit of defaulting to a mode where it will try to load
the entire SQL result set into RAM.  Different JDBC drivers have
different ways of dealing with this problem.  For Microsoft SQL Server,
here's a guide:


If you have trouble with that really long URL in your mail client, just
visit the main FAQ page and click on the link for SQL Server:



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