<http://www.iht.com/> International Herald Tribune 
Both sides dragging their feet over Kosovo 
By Nicholas Wood International Herald Tribune 
MONDAY, APRIL 17, 2006 
 <http://www.iht.com/cgi-bin/search.cgi?query=PRISTINA, Kosovo&sort=swishrank> 
PRISTINA, Kosovo Two months after talks began in Vienna on this province's 
future, both sides appear to be maneuvering to change the facts on the ground 
to help determine whether Kosovo will become an independent state or remain a 
province within Serbia.

The issue has been regarded as the most intractable in the Balkans since NATO 
bombers forced Yugoslav security forces to withdraw in 1999, halting what 
international war crimes prosecutors say was a brutal campaign to force ethnic 
Albanians to flee.

Ethnic Albanians make up over 90 percent of Kosovo's population and want total 
independence. Serbs, within Kosovo and without, want a return to rule from 
Belgrade. With little progress in the initial phase of talks, the likelihood of 
an eventual imposed solution in the Albanians' favor grows ever stronger.

The United Nations has been administering Kosovo since the Yugoslav withdrawal, 
but in recent weeks, Serbia, which finances many services in Serbian enclaves 
across the province, ordered all Serbian government employees in Kosovo to 
resign from any responsibilities with the United Nations or lose their Serbian 

Serbia had continued to pay Serb public employees in Kosovo since 1999 despite 
the transition of the region's administration to the United Nations. Many Serb 
officials have therefore been able to earn two salaries, one from the Serbian 
government and another from the United Nations.

Diplomats say that if Serbia were to find and arrest the leading war crimes 
suspect and former commander of the Bosnian Serb army, Ratko Mladic, its 
negotiating hand might be strengthened.

At the same time Kosovo's ethnic Albanian leadership is trying to make the case 
that an independent Kosovo would protect and nurture its minorities. Kosovo's 
new prime minister, Agim Ceku, took office in March, after his predecessor, 
Bajram Kosumi, was forced to step down under pressure from international 
officials who considered his efforts at reconciliation with Kosovo's Serbs 

Ceku made his inaugural address to Kosovo's Albanian-dominated assembly partly 
in Serbian, to the astonishment of several members of Parliament.

"I want to be seen as the prime minister of all Kosovo's citizens, Serb and 
Albanian," he said in an interview. His primary challenge, he said, is to 
convince Kosovo's Albanian leaders and government officials to make changes 
that benefit the Serbs, rather than just pay lip service to foreign demands for 

Ceku, a former Croatian general, was a wartime commander of the Kosovo 
Liberation Army, the ethnic Albanian guerrilla group. Serbian government 
officials refuse to meet with him, but Western officials say he is one of the 
few ethnic Albanian leaders with the standing to convince local Kosovar 
authorities that they need to provide services to Serbian communities. He 
helped calm ethnic tensions at several critical junctures over the last six 

The negotiating teams - a Kosovar panel of ethnic Albanians, and a Serb group 
drawn from both Belgrade and Kosovo - are to return to the table in Vienna on 
May 4, where they will debate proposals to give more powers to local 
authorities. That measure would allow Kosovo Serbs a greater say in running 
their affairs. The following week discussions should start on the protection of 
religious and historical sites, in particular the Serbian Orthodox Churches and 
monasteries that are dotted across Kosovo.

The diplomats have a genuine intent to find an agreement on issues which they 
believe could be negotiated before the issue of sovereignty, such as the 
devolution of powers to the local authorities, and the protection of 
patrimonial sites, but both negotiating teams have shown little room for 

Comments from representatives of the United States, Britain, France, Russia, 
Italy and Germany, who together make up the Contact Group overseeing Kosovo's 
negotiation process, indicate there is little alternative to granting the 
majority population its wish for an independent state.

A statement issued by the group following meetings with Serbian leaders in 
Belgrade on April 6 called on Serbia to be "realistic" in its proposals and 
find a solution "acceptable to the people of Kosovo."

The head of UN mission here, Soren Jessen-Petersen, said he expected Martti 
Ahtisaari, a Finish statesman and negotiator, to conclude the initial 
negotiations by midsummer, enabling talks on sovereignty to begin.

Whatever course is taken on political authority, officials here expect the 
international community to retain significant governing powers. 



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