To my Serbian Readers:

Hopefully you will read this interview (below) thoughtfully and send it to
friends, relatives, news sources, members of Congress, and to all other
Serbs that you know.  This interview I think for the first time will help
tell your side of the story – which so far has never been told in the
American and world media.  Now is the time to tell it.  I hope someone will
make sure that it finds its way into the offices of every United Nations
Ambassador in New York City.  If you take that effort on – please keep me
informed.  A few hundreds copies of this sent to the White House and the US
State Department would also be a good idea!  

For addresses for public officials in your state – go to:  and to

As I am sure most of you know, I am not a Serb.  I’m simply a garden variety
American with absolutely NO ethnic connection with any group in the Balkans.
However, I think some unified Serbian activity right now could make a huge
difference in what happens in Kosovo.   And, it wouldn’t hurt to also
involve your non-Serb friends.  


“War With Islamic Terrorists” – Interview with Father Benedict

By: Mary Mostert, Analyst, Banner of Liberty ( 

To Contact Mary Mostert: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

August 13, 2006 

On August 10th, as the news broke that a group of Islamic terrorists were
plotting to blow up some more American airliners, President George W. Bush
stepped to the microphone in Austin Straubel International Airport in Green
Bay, Wisconsin and stated: “The recent arrests that our fellow citizens are
now learning about are a stark reminder that this nation is at war with
Islamic fascists who will use any means to destroy those of us who love
freedom, to hurt our nation.” He then went on to praise the British
intelligence efforts that lead to thwarting another deadly massacre of
Americans. I think most Americans today would agree with President Bush’s

However, there is a group of people who have been battling Islamic fascists
for literally hundreds of years – the Serbs. To this very day, the
propaganda efforts of Islamic fascists have been every bit as successful, if
not more successful, than the propaganda efforts of Adolf Hitler’s fascists
in the 1940s when they kept telling the world that the Jews, not the German
fascists, were the group that were to blame for all the problems in central

As Hitler’s fascism began spreading and seizing control of one nation in
Europe after the other, the American people were being convinced by some
powerful leaders that the future of the 20th Century would be best if the
Germans “efficient” government was spread. Most Americans were isolationists
and some of our most honored heroes, such as Charles Lindbergh, openly
supported fascism. In a speech in Des Moines on September 11, 1941, 3 months
before Pearl Harbor was bombed, Lindbergh criticized President Roosevelt,
the British and the Jews for “ "agitating for war.” He was convinced that
the Germans would win any war and warned the Jews that any effort on their
part to oppose Hitler would cause them to lose their “large ownership and
influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio and our government."
That rosy view of fascism was erased by the attack on Pearl Harbor on
December 7, 1941. 

In the 21st century, not even the attacks on the World Trade Center and the
Pentagon on September 11, has awakened most of the Democrats and groups like
the American Civil Liberties Union. Again we are watching as fascism, this
time Islamic fascism, move rapidly as fascism did in the 1930s to take
control of much of Europe. And, the one group that fought Hitler’s brand of
fascism while others in Europe either appeased or surrendered to Hitler, is
again far ahead of the rest of Europe, and the rest of the world, in
recognizing who the enemy really is. 

Yet, the Islamic fascists are demanding and may soon be given a large chunk
of Serbia in the near future. Since the Serb side of this story is NEVER
told on American or European TV sets, radios or newspapers, I asked
questions of Father Benedict, who is and has been living this story, to
answer questions that I’ve pondered about for the past 10 years as I wrote
about the break-up of Yugoslavia. One of my readers apparently sent to the
Monastery an article of mine, published in February 2006, that was entitled:
Why is a bombed mosque major news, while bombed churches are ignored?
This interview consists of my questions and Father Benedict’s answers on the


Hieromonk Benedict, Holy Angels Monastery

“This brings us to the beginning of our story. Just as Serbian people and
St. Tsar Lazar’s army once were the solid rampart that served as the
protection of Christian Europe from aggressive Islam, Serbs present the same
solid rampart today. Bringing back autonomous province Kosovo and Metohija
into the de facto corpus of Serbia will lead to a crucial blow and defeat of
Islamic terrorism in Europe and elsewhere. “


Interview with Hieromonk Benedict, Abbot of Holy Archangels Monastery near
Prizren, Kosovo and Metohija

By USA News Analyst, Mary Mostert, 

August 12, 2006

1. Mostert: Father Benedict, when former President Clinton ordered the
American Air Force to bomb Kosovo 7 years ago, because he thought,
incorrectly it turned out, that the Belgrade government under Slobodan
Milosevic had killed 100,000 Albanians in Kosovo; most Americans could not
find Kosovo on a map. 

A lot has happened since then and it appears that efforts will shortly be
made to decide what the future of Kosovo will be. You are living in Kosovo,
in Prizren, in the Holy Archangels Serbian Orthodox Christian monastery near
the border to Albania. I understand from my research that Holy Archangels
Monastery was first built by Serbian King Dusan in 1343 A.D. America hadn’t
even been DISCOVERED yet! 

Could you briefly tell our readers what was going on in Kosovo back in 1343
and why King Dusan built the monastery? 

Father Benedict: In the XIV century Kosovo was the central part of the
Serbian state and Christian spirituality. Like all rulers of his time (the
Middle Ages), Tsar Dusan also wished to have his own endowment, that is, to
build a monastery in which God would be praised by the end of the time and
in which the name of the founder would be mentioned on Holy Liturgies until
the second arrival of Christ. He did that by founding a place near river
Bistrica, two and a half kilometers away from Prizren. 

The monastery was built from 1348. to 1354. The history of our monastery is
very detailed and could not be discussed briefly, since it has always been
closely related to political events in Serbia. The front part of the Holy
Archangels church is the place where its founder Tsar Dusan was buried. 

Some very important and influential people have visited our monastery which
was, at the time, one of the most beautiful monuments in Europe. The grave
of Tsar Dusan was the place where an important historical event happened -
the reconciliation between Serbian Patriarchate and the Patriarchate of
Constantinople whose clergies were in bad terms with each other for some
time because of some administrative problems. 

After Tsar Dusan passed away, the Serbian state was divided into small
kingdoms. That division was started by those who were the closest to him.
Having been afraid of him, they had concealed their opinions and lust for
power deep inside them during Dusan’s lifetime, but those features were
displayed soon afterwards. 

A few decades later, St. Tsar Lazar tried to bring the old glow to his
state. He decided to properly settle accounts with voracious Serbian lords,
so several of them hated St. Tsar Lazar, and afterwards, during the battle
of Kosovo, they turned their backs on him. 

Together with all Serbian martyrs, Tsar Lazar left his body with dignity in
order to protect Orthodoxy and his homeland, and reached eternal glory while
Serbia had just started to endure its most difficult days. Serbian folk did
not even dream that its slavery under the Turks will last for over 500

The suffering of Serbian people under the Turks could not, in any way,
bypass the magnificent Monastery of Holy Archangels near Prizren. The
demolition of the monastery lasted about two centuries. In XVII century the
monastery was completely demolished, but as we can see today, it was not the
end this holy place's existence. Now, 650 years after the demolition, the
monastery is in bloom, even though the circumstances are the same as they
were in the time when the monastery was ruined, that is, the time of

This monastery has always been a thorn in Albanian extremists' side and they
cannot accept the fact that the monastery is still alive and that the
fraternity manages to overcome all the temptations they come across. 

By custom, Albanian terrorists often use falsehoods and severe lies to
justify themselves. Therefore, as you have already mentioned, it has been
published that Serbian armed forces and police in Kosovo had killed 100.000
Albanians, which is completely untrue, since during the time when they claim
this event had happened, there were not even so many Albanians in Kosovo.
They have all together feigned some persecution by Serbian police and armed
forces and headed for the Albanian border even risking never to return to

The monastery fraternity still remember all those long columns which passed
from the monastery toward Brezovica to reach the border with Macedonia and
show the world that they were allegedly prosecuted. 

Then the unjustified US-NATO bombing ensued. It is true that many Americans
and some Europeans had no idea where Kosovo was, and that they even had
difficulties to find it on the map after they found out that it is a part of
Federal Republic Yugoslavia. For us who live here, Kosovo is a central part
of Serbia, since it is the cradle of Serbian people. 

2. Mostert: That original Holy Archangels Monastery I understand lasted for
about 300 years until the Muslim rulers of the Ottoman Turkish Empire which
tried to take control of all of Europe largely dismantled it to use the
stones to build mosques. Could you tell us about that? 

Father Benedict: As I have already mentioned, Holy Archangels monastery was
demolished by Turks (Ottoman empire). Somewhere at the end of the XVI
century and in the beginning of the XVII century the Cathedral Monastery
Church "Holy Archangels" was demolished too. Its stones were used to build
Sinan Pasha's mosque in Prizren. 

It is interesting that while the mosque was under construction, on several
occasions the walls were inexplicably destroyed. When that phenomenon became
more frequent, someone advised the workers to place the sign of cross on
walls in order to stop the demolition. When they shaped the windows (the
holes in the wall) in the form of cross the demolition stopped. 

Another interesting thing linked with Sinan Pasha's mosque is that, even
today, 500 years after it was built, you can still smell the incense in it,
even though Muslims do not use incense during their rites. It is the scent
of incense absorbed by stones and by God's providence that scent testifies
that those rocks were taken from an Orthodox church. 

3. Mostert: During the centuries of occupation by the Turks, my research
informs me that there was great persecution of the Serb Christians, even to
the point of their sons being taken at a very young age, raised as Muslims
and trained to hate and fight against their own people – the Serbs. 

Even throughout the 20th Century many Serbs died because they would not
abandon the Serbian Orthodox Church and convert to Catholicism. As recently
as World War II, hundreds of thousands of Serbs died in Concentration camps
such as Jasenovac which was run by Croatians who were allies of Adolf

Yet, under those circumstances, your Church survived through the centuries
of Islamic rule, persecution from other Christians and official atheism
during 60 years of communism and, during World War II, Serbs who were not
communists, but who were faithful members of your church saved the lives of
over 500 American airmen who where shot down over Yugoslavia by the Nazis.
It appears to me that most Serbs managed to remain faithful to the teachings
of the Serbian Orthodox Christian Church through strong families and within
the church itself. Would you comment on that? 

Father Benedict: Right after Christ's resurrection the Church started its
martyr exploit which still lasts. 

It is true that Turks had the so-called "Blood tribute", when they kidnapped
Serbian babies and children, turned them into Muslims and thought them how
to be even worse janissaries than those Turks. Before Turks, Romans used to
do this as well, so it is actually Roman practice. 

Thanks to God, Serbian youth finally got rid of the communist poison and
realized that life and the existence of our entire nation, as well as every
man, depends primarily on our relation towards God and towards our neighbor,
so that every disobedience towards God and his law becomes a very hard
punishment by means of which God brings us closer to him. 

God punishes those whom he loves, his punishment is the evidence of his love
for us. There is no father who wishes only the best for his son and never
punishes him when the son does something wrong. That is the way God acts
toward Serbian people. Holy Scripture says that many troubles lead us to the
Kingdom of God. God's punishment is actually his concern for us. 

Serbian people have suffered most because of Turks, then Hitler, then
Croatian "Ustashas" - Roman Catholics and communists, and today they die and
suffer because of the Albanian terrorists supported by Brussels and almost
entire European Union. The EU support to extremists in Kosovo and Metohija
became evident on March 17, 2004, when a part of NATO, more precisely German
government and German secret service BND, had the information about the
approaching violence in Kosovo, but did nothing to stop that, and their
indifference makes them accomplices in the crime. Maybe they were concerned,
and their concern was taken care of, maybe it was in their interest that
everything should turn up that way on March 17, maybe they became tired of
protecting Serbian houses, monasteries, churches... 

4. Mostert:You began rebuilding Holy Archangels Monastery in the early 1990s
and it was first reoccupied in 1998, I understand. The following year the
bombing of Kosovo took place and one of your monks, Father Chariton was
kidnapped by members of the KLA while the KFOR troops were guarding the
Monastery. His mutilated body was found in an Albanian grave in 2000. Has
either KFOR or the Albanian government of Kosovo ever arrested and
prosecuted anyone for that atrocity? 

Father Benedict: Father Chariton was kidnapped by KLA in 1999 in the center
of Prizren. His kidnapping was videotaped by a German journalist who
afterwards refused to show that tape to the police, probably because he was
afraid since, by all means, he knew whom he had dealings with (I think of

The body of father Chariton was found in 2000, in village Tusos near
Prizren, and it was found by the International Red Cross. The body showed us
all the tortures father Chariton had gone through. His chest were stabbed
with a knife, his rib and legs were broken, and above all, his head was cut
off and it was never founded. We assume that father Chariton's head is now
the trophy of some Mujahideens who had cut it off. 

Until the present day nothing was done to find the murderers of father
Chariton as well as other Serbs and non-Albanian residents who were
kidnapped and murdered in Prizren area and throughout Kosovo. On the
contrary, due to the lack of the evidence, they are freed from guilt (case
Lekaj in Hague) or they even become "Prime Ministers" of some Kosovo
government, like Ramus Haradinaj and the current "Prime Minister" Agim Ceku
whose crimes in Croatia were even testified by Canadian peacekeepers. 

5. Mostert: Since the Serbian forces were driven out of Kosovo and NATO has
been providing the security forces, how many Serbs have been killed and how
many of your churches and monasteries have been destroyed by Albanian mobs
while NATO forces have been in control of Kosovo? 

Father Benedict: Since 1999, or more precisely since July 1999 and the
arrival of KFOR, thousands of Serbs were kidnapped and killed in Kosovo and
judging by the official information, about 2000 Serbs were killed and
kidnapped, and 160 churches and monasteries were demolished. 

In my opinion, Mission in Kosovo and UNMIK are a huge failure for NATO and
UN, even though in Brussels and New York they always say that the situation
in Kosovo is better and better. None of it is true. The situation in Kosovo
is even worse, more insecure and more dangerous, not only for Serbs but for
all non-Albanian population and even for some Albanians who do not agree
with the terrorist policy of violence which is, by the way, conducted in
Kosovo for seven years without any disruption. 

6. Mostert: According to census figures that I have monitored, there appears
to have been a huge increase in the number of Albanians in Kosovo in the
past 15 years , since the economic collapse of Albania after the
disintegration of the Soviet Union, and a huge decrease in the number of
Serbs and the number of Serbian Churches in Kosovo during the same 15 years.
Also, according to the United Nations, the unemployment rate in Kosovo is
somewhere between 60 and 70 percent. The economic problems are massive. 

Can you explain, from what you have seen and experienced living in Kosovo
first whether there has been in increase in the number of Albanians who have
come into Kosovo illegally and how many Serbs have left Kosovo since NATO
has been in control? 

Father Benedict: Yes, but during the last 60 years the number of Albanians
who fled Albania greatly increased. The main responsibility, before God and
people, is borne by the regime which during that time ruled in the
Socialistic Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRJ). By not paying enough
attention to Kosovo and Metohija and with the influx of Albanians, the
Serbian identity on these areas was ruined. Only after Slobodan Milosevic
was elected did things change a little bit in favor of the Serbian
population and that is one of the reasons why Slobodan Milosevic became
popular among Serbs and other non-Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija. 

Even before Milosevic was elected, Albanians took advantage of the
instability in SFRJ to obtain the separation of this province. The first
well-known attempt of an Albanian organized rebellion happened in 1968.
After the 1974 Constitution was adopted giving the Province of Kosovo
greater autonomy, including de facto veto power in the Serbian parliament,
the Albanians were especially active. After the dictator Josif Broz Tito
passed away in 1980, they organized massive demonstrations tearing up the
Yugoslav communist flag. That was the time when the most famous Orthodox
monastery "The Patriarchate of Pec" was burned - the former residence of
Serbian patriarchs whose dormitories were burned to the ground. 

The difference between former rebellions and the present one lies only in
the selection of allies. In the past allies used to be Albania, SSSR and
China, and now they are western countries. 

After 1991, many Albanians thought how to oppose the regime of Slobodan
Milosevic and how to gain the independence of Kosovo which would afterwards
be attached to Albania. 

Therefore, in the beginning of 1996 the first Albanians to fight for Kosovo
independence were recruited. In 1997 the terrorist organization KLA gained
more members and started more frequent attacks on the Serbian police. Some
of the more courageous terrorists decided to attack police stations. In
1998, KLA had enough members to move towards the woods so that they could,
by means of guerilla warfare, attack Serbian civilians, Serbian villages,
Serbian police and Yugoslav armed forces. 

By the end of 1998, the terrorist KLA had completely collapsed and all the
terrorists returned to their villages and cities to feign the persecution of
civilians with an Albanian nationality, while they blamed the Yugoslav army
and Serbian police for that deed. 

They had the cordial assistance of the OSCE mission and villain William
Walker who also bears some of the responsibility for the destabilization of
Kosovo and Metohija by terrorists. 

(Editor’s Note: Walker told the media that bodies found in the village of
Racak were the result of a Serbian Army “massacre” of civilians. The
Serbians claimed the “civilians” were actually Kosovo Liberation Army
terrorists killed in a gun battle.This report was direct motive for bombing

An expert forensic pathologist, Dr. Helena Ranta from Finland, openly and
bravely spoke about the authenticity of Walker’s reports. It is probable
that the Albanian terrorists were supported in their actions by Clinton's
administration as well and that they were told to feign any kind of
persecution so that the bombing of Serbs could be justified, which was done.
Right after the alleged persecution a NATO action called "Merciful Angel"
ensued and cruelly took 2000 of innocent lives and cleansing of 220,000
Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija. 

7. Mostert: It appears that uncontrolled immigration from Albania into
Kosovo during the years when Tito was the president of Yugoslavia has
actually caused many Serbs to leave Kosovo. There has been a similar
migration of millions of illegal aliens from Mexico into Southern California
in recent years as many American citizens have left the area. Now many of
those illegal Mexican aliens are refusing to learn English, claiming that
area is really part of Mexico and demanding special privileges. If the
international community allows Kosovo to become an independent nation, do
you think that would create a precedent for the success of a similar demand
for independence on the part of Mexicans in Southern California? 

Father Benedict: If you ask me whether that "uncontrol" of the immigration
of Albanian residents from Albania was indeed accidental or planned, I think
it was planned and allowed by Tito who neither loved Serbs nor anything
sacred to Serbs and the least of all Kosovo and Metohija. 

When it comes to Mexico and South California, if Kosovo can gain
independence, which, by the way, opposes all laws, then South California can
gain independence as well. By allowing Kosovo to become independent, new
rules for gaining independence will emerge around the world, which would not
be in the best interest or either USA or civilized mankind. 

8. Mostert: What do you believe will happen to the remaining Serbs, their
churches and the monasteries in Kosovo if the international community hands
it over to the Albanian Muslim majority as is being demanded? 

Father Benedict: If Kosovo and Metohija is handed over to the Albanian
minority (they are the minority in Serbia, and Kosovo is still an integral
part of Serbia) I think that no monastery or church or Serbian village will
ever again exist in Kosovo and Metohija. Apart from Kosovo independence they
have one more goal - the cleansing of everything that reminds them of Serbs
in Kosovo and Metohija. And our holy objects across Kosovo and Metohija
testify in the best way to whom this land belongs. Still, I am sure that
Kosovo and Metohija will never gain independence, no matter how much the
situation continues to go that way. No matter how much people tried to reach
some goal, finally everything comes out in God's way. 

9. Mostert: It appears that religious differences have been the main problem
the Serbs have faced for centuries in dealing with others in the region.
Most of Europe today and its governments are secular, or even officially
atheist, as has been the case with Albania. The history of the Serbs
indicates that while other groups have used force to require Serbs to adopt
their religion, Serbs have remained loyal to Serbian Orthodox Christianity
but have not insisted that others abandon their religion. What sets Serbs
apart from other Christians in Europe in their loyalty to Jesus Christ? 

Father Benedict: Just one correction. There is no Serbian Orthodox
Christianity, only Orthodox Christianity. 

The first thing that makes Serbs different from the rest of the Europe is
the fact that for more than one thousand years Serbian people have been
devoted to Christ and they have praised the Lord with the same passion and
same eagerness as in the time when they turned to Christianity. The other
thing is the devotion to holy tradition and dogmas which are not altered, as
it is the case with other Christian communities, Latin community or
Protestants. Instead, we hold to that heritage which was given to us by holy
Apostles. The same thing stands for The Russian Orthodox Church (since
Russian people have also suffered a lot and still remained faithful to God
and God's truth). 

No matter how much they suffered and no matter how much they became
estranged from God through history, Serbian people have always returned to
Christ, as if they have followed the prophet David's example throughout
their whole history and from that example learned how to be penitent and
obedient to God. 

10. Mostert: Would you comment on what you think will happen to the crime
rate, the economy and the social problems in Kosovo if the province become
independent and, if it is not independent, what the Serbian government could
or would do to solve those problems? 

Father Benedict: Since I am sure that Albanians will never own Kosovo and
Metohija as their own state, there is no reason for me to comment on
possible independence of Kosovo and the situation in independent Kosovo. 

US-NATO bombing of Serbia allegedly happened because of Slobodan Milosevic
and his regime. Let's remember the speech of US State secretary Madeline
Albright during the bombing of Yugoslavia when she apologized to Serbian
people via radio station "The Voice of America", repeating that the US has
nothing against the Serbian people, but against the president of Yugoslavia
Slobodan Milosevic. 

That man is not alive today. Serbia is ruled by a democratic government and
I think that it would be fair enough to bring Kosovo and Metohija back to
the Serbian people, just as it was before the bombing in 1999. I am sure
that Kosovo and Metohija would be much safer and more secure and that it
would be in the best interest of all residents of Kosovo and Metohija to be
under the rule of Serbian government in Belgrade. What we see today in the
area of Kosovo and Metohija is that just a small number of people, around
10%, can afford a normal life, while the remaining 90% in Kosovo and
Metohija are struggling to survive. They face great economic crisis, great
unemployment and finally, great hatred. 

Great social and economic crisis, as well as great unemployment and hatred,
stimulate the increasing development of extremism and utmost fanaticism
especially among the youth. If things continue to go this way in Kosovo and
Metohija, I think that, unless something changes quickly, the ensuing chaos
will be very hard to repair, and its victims will surely be Serbs (because
there is no one to protect them) and the UN Administration representatives
because that administration has led the inhabitants in Kosovo and Metohija
into this catastrophic condition by means of it voracity and arrogance. 

Therefore, the only way to solve this problem is to bring Kosovo and
Metohija back under the rule of Belgrade, of course only by means of
democratic institutions in the Kosovo and Metohija province in which the
representatives of all nations which live here can take equal parts. Not
only Albanians, as it is the case now. 

Some people think that Belgrade government is not ready for that
undertaking, but in my opinion, those who think so are wrong. If the
communist regime somehow managed to bear and face the problems of Kosovo and
Metohija in years after the Second World War, the current Belgrade
democratic government also can bear and face the problems of Kosovo and

The present democratic government of Serbia was accepted and supported by
many European countries, and the Serbian police and armed forces have great
experience and strong will to maintain order in Kosovo and Metohija. If, in
any case, the tensions of Albanian terrorists increase after the
re-establishment of Serbian government in Kosovo and Metohija, our police
and armed forces would solve that problem very quickly and efficiently. Of
course, NATO experts could help by means of the knowledge they gained in
Kosovo and Metohija during last few years. 

This brings us to the beginning of our story. Just as Serbian people and St.
Tsar Lazar’s army once were the solid rampart that served as the protection
of Christian Europe from aggressive Islam, Serbs present the same solid
rampart today. Bringing back autonomous province Kosovo and Metohija into
the de facto corpus of Serbia will lead to a crucial blow and defeat of
Islamic terrorism in Europe and elsewhere. 

11. Mostert: Father Benedict, in February of this year, a terrorist bomb
blast destroyed the dome of the Golden Mosque in Samarra, Iraq. It was built
in the 9th century and was a religious site sacred to Shiite Muslims. Almost
immediately following the terrorists' action, George W. Bush warned about
the threat of civil war and expressed support for the Iraqi government.
Britain's Foreign Secretary Jack Straw called the bombing a "criminal and
sacrilegious act", urging Iraqis to show restraint and avoid retaliation and
Zalmay Khalilzad, Washington's ambassador to Iraq, and Gen. George Casey,
the top US commander in Iraq, issued a joint statement saying the US would
contribute to the shrine's reconstruction. 

Would you comment on the world political reaction to the terrorist bombing
of a mosque in Iraq with the world political reaction to terrorist
destruction of 160 ancient Orthodox Christian Churches in Kosovo? 

Father Benedict: That is exactly what our eparchy, with archpriest bishop
Artemije at the head of it, speaks about for seven years now. The double
standards of the United Nations. 

Unfortunately, we have about 160 churches and monasteries demolished by
Albanian terrorists. 

Throughout this entire interview I have been speaking about terrorists,
because the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and the Albanian National Army
(ANA) <> and other Albanian
military groupings are nothing else but a group of armed bandits which
oppose the order of one country, mercilessly killing everyone who stands in
their way, and, at the same time, performing unprecedented crimes against
the opponents. That means they are terrorists indeed, and that we did not
name them terrorists because of hatred or politics. ANA is also on the
terrorist list of the American administration, and KLA used to be on that
list until the bombing of Serbia in 1999, when she was erased from it over
night. Reasons for such an act are known only to Clinton's administration. 

Medieval and modern churches and monasteries are not renovated until the
present day, although about 130 churches and monasteries were demolished
more than 7 years ago. Why is this the case only in Kosovo? If we could just
remember the fuss which was made when Taliban regime demolished Buddha’s
statues. In Kosovo and Metohija, where everyone pretends to be for the
restoration, nothing is actually renovated. 

In particular, I can speak about the restoration in Prizren area, where our
monastery is. The renovation of Holy Great Martyr George Church in Prizren
has been the topic of discussion for a long time. Some even went so far that
they announced that the renovation is in progress. But soon afterwards, all
of it proved to be a lie. Instead, the interior of the roofless church was
just wiped a little bit, and some scaffolding made so that, as we hope, the
church could be renovated in near future. 

Not only did the jewel of medieval art, The Church of Bogorodica Ljeviska in
Prizren, burn on March 17, 2004, but it was the target of a robbery one year
later. Namely, 100 square meters of lead were stolen from the roof of that
church. Only one square meter which thieves had dropped was found
afterwards. The rest of it was never found, although everyone know which
company ordered this theft. No steps or measures are taken to bring that
lead back. The worst of all, an Albanian firm has won the tender to re-built
the roof, but one question still stands – what will they use to do that?
Will they use lead, as it was before, or just a sheet metal coated with
zinc, as it was the case with the Church of Christ the Savior in Prizren.
Another question is whether the The Church of Bogorodica (Godmother)
Ljeviska is going to be renovated completely or just patched. 

Lead from the roof was also stolen from the Tutic’s Church of St. Nicholas
in Prizren. No investigation was conducted and no suspects were found in
that case either, as if the theft had never happened. The same stands for
all other churches in Prizren – St. Cosmas and Damian, St. Great Martyr
Nedelja (Kyriakia), Runic’s Church of St. Nicholas, Chapel of St.
Panteleimon, Serbian Orthodox Seminary of St. Cyril and Methodius, and of
course, our monastery. By what we can see, the same things happen elsewhere
in Kosovo and Metohija. I have to emphasize once again that there is no
renovation of churches in southern Serbian province known as Kosovo and
Metohija. It is just a farce and we hope that God will reveal it soon and
show to everyone what that so-called renovation meant and what its purpose

Bishop Artemije requested that the renovation of Serbian churches should be
conducted by the building company of our eparchy “Rade Neimar”, which would
certainly be a real reconstruction, and not this so-called renovation. By my
opinion, nevertheless, UNMIK and Council of Europe managed, by means of
several bishops, and later by means of the entire Assembly of bishops, to
impose a memorandum (business letter) about the renovation of churches to
bishop Artemije, which he, as a bishop devoted to his Church, actually did,
but he took no part in that reconstruction, because he knew where that
so-called renovation led. 

The same thing happened when our eparchy sued four NATO member countries in
Strasburg Court : Germany, Italy, France, Great Britain, because they
neglected their soldiers in Kosovo and allowed terrorist to demolish our
churches and monasteries and to kill Serbian people. Actually, they were
just a décor, claiming they made mistakes in calculations. The culmination
of negligence and laziness UN and KFOR was the fact that nobody was
prosecuted for the crimes that happened on March 17. There was an
investigation, but it ended as a great failure. As if the violence against
Serbs and other non-Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija had never happened and
as if we all live in a perfect peace and harmony. 

That is why I think that the charges in International Court should be
fulfilled so that everyone can bear his responsibility for what he did, or
didn’t do and should have done, as in this case. But, in this case it was
forbidden to bishop Artemije to be a bishop, and Assembly of the Serbian
Orthodox Church decided to withdraw the charges in International Court in
Strasburg against the negligent soldiers and corrupted KFOR generals. 

The following quotation of vicar bishop Teodosije to the international
community shows how much some of our bishops believed, and still believe.
More than one year ago he said: “People build churches as homes of prayer so
that they could pray in them. Unfortunately, other demolished them because
of envy and hatred. By renovating the demolished churches in Kosovo and
Metohija we express our holy duty and testament. That renovation will send a
powerful message to destroyers of these temples that violence will not and
cannot be rewarded and that all destroyed monuments will be re-build by
means of our effort, with the support of international community.” 

And as we can see now, one and half year after all these words were said,
neither is there renovation, nor any kind of support international
community, but only their playing with the reputation of our bishops who
trusted them. 

And the worst of all, Albanian violence proved to be rewarded, since there
are no Serbs left, nor any Orthodox churches, churches which disturbed them
and which are, therefore, demolished. That is a fact, and the rest of it is
pure demagogy and rhetoric of powerful persons who newer recognize their

Translated by Masha Krsmanovic 

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