"What our media and politicians have successfully striven to keep from the
American public is that Serbs have historically been on the front line in
halting the advance of barbarism into Europe--first against Islam in the
1389 Battle of Kosovo, then against the Third Reich (the Serbian nation lost
proportionally more lives fighting the Nazis than any other), and then in
the 90s against the Muslim and Croatian heirs of the Nazis--before we tied
their hands and inherited their burden." 

        Jewish World  <> Review August 31,
2006 / 6 Elul, 5766 

The Bush Doctrine need not apply 

By Julia Gorin 

Printer Friendly Version
083106.php3&sent=false&ccMe=no> Email this article | Although Kosovo set a terrifying
precedent for Israel, at least two Jews are happy about it. In a recent Wall
St. Journal-Europe piece titled Balkan Choice
<> ", Morton Abramowitz and
Mark Schneider write that Serbian President Vojislav Kostunica's opposition
to Kosovo independence risks making his country an "international pariah." 

Have these two been asleep for 15 years? Serbia has been a pariah since it
began fighting Islamo-nationalist terror without the West's permission.
Serbs were the first ones fingered in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing
and the ones bombed by Bill Clinton in 1995 for a Sarajevo marketplace
massacre - despite British intelligence warnings that a Bosnian-Muslim
mortar was responsible. That other pariah state, Israel, is familiar with
such frame-ups, and it's no coincidence that Israel quietly aided Serbs
militarily, aware of Islamic terrorist ties to the Bosnian army, including
Palestinians operating in Bosnia. 

When Israel confronts terrorism, it's called self-defense. When Serbia does,
it's "poisonous nationalism" - as a Washington Post editorial called it the
same week ("Serbia's
0564.html> Intransigence"). Quite strategically, the word "Muslim" appears
nowhere in either article, lest the world finally catch on to what we
"achieved" in the Balkans. Instead, the authors promote the term "Albanian
Kosovar," a flashback to the journalistic ploy that ensured a multi-national
war against European Christians on behalf of Muslims. 

Abramowitz and Schneider write that Milosevic's "attempted ethnic cleansing
[has] made anything less than independence totally unacceptable to the
people of Kosovo." The "people of Kosovo" to whom the authors so reverently
refer use Serbian children for target practice. Kosovo is dominated by thugs
who have attacked Serbs 186 times just since getting the green light for
final-status talks last October. The bruises, broken bones and graves of
their victims - infant to octogenarian, male or female - are on display in
the DVD documentary " Days Made of Fear."
<>  As for Milosevic's "attempted
ethnic cleansing," all that can be said is that people who haven't followed
even a day of a four-year trial shouldn't write op-eds relying on popular

Abramowitz and Schneider even have the poor taste to repeat the disingenuous
assurances of a NATO presence enforcing international guarantees to protect
the Serb minority - as if oblivious that NATO hasn't been able to prevent
the almost daily kidnappings and attacks on the remaining Serbs, and was
helpless even to stop the 2004 pogrom in which NATO troops themselves were
attacked by Albanians. Incredibly, the authors write that the Kosovars have
"met enough of the standards to get U.N. Security Council endorsement of
final status negotiations" - as if one monitoring group after another hasn't
exposed the fact that the internationals have simply given up on any
standards being met. (The UN is planning to evacuate tens of thousands of
Serbs the moment we hand Kosovo to the terrorists this year.) 

"Serbia is going to have to accept Kosovo independence" is code-speak for
the West buckling under to terrorism in the Balkans as usual. It's all the
more unconscionable, given that today we know the London and Madrid
explosives came
&S=&P=25849> from Kosovo. 

The authors conclude by saying that Serbia will be better off "living in
peace with a new Kosovo." Just like Israel will be better off living "in
peace" with a Hamas-led Palestine. 

For its part, The Washington Post criticizes Serbia for "repeatedly
[failing] to meet a critical condition for moving forward [toward EU and
NATO membership], which is the arrest of indicted Bosnian Serb war criminal
Ratko Mladic." While fugitive Serbian war criminals are fixated on, Albanian
war criminals are allowed to enjoy political careers. Notice that no such
criticism is raised about Kosovo's prime minister Agim Ceku - a former KLA
commander who is indicted in Serbia for command responsibility in terrorist
killings of over 600 Serbs, Roma, Albanians and others, including beheading,
torture, mutilation, and abducting more than 500 people, most presumed dead.
The KLA, meanwhile, trained in al-Qaeda camps prior to our 1999 NATO bombing
of Serbia. 

When America is leading a global war on jihad terror, it's difficult to
understand how Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice warmly greeted this
wanted terrorist in Washington this summer. 

We cannot fight terrorism with one hand while abetting it with the other. As
UN human rights observer Jiri Dienstbier has noted, "If NATO and the UN
can't defeat terrorism in an area the size of one-eighth of the Czech
Republic, how do they expect to confront global terrorism?" 

Although the intelligence community is fully aware of the Kosovo threat, our
political leaders and media are denying it. The Post editors refer to "a
firm Western consensus" that the province "should be granted independence
before the end of this year." Translation: America and Europe are taking the
Wesley Clark  <>
approach and appeasing the Albanian violence meant to persuade us that there
can be only one outcome - theirs. Recall that the "firm Western consensus"
in 1999 was that Kosovo would have autonomy precisely without becoming

To get back into the West's good graces, the beaten-down Serbs have lain
prostrate for the past seven years throughout the continuing dismemberment
of their country and security. And yet, any leader - no matter how
democratic and pro-Western (Kostunica is a Constitutional scholar) - who
tries to draw the line with the number of concessions Serbs will make to
their tormentors sounds "disturbingly like Slobodan Milosevic," according to
The Post. 

Terror aside, the criminal rackets (sex slavery, the heroin trade) in Kosovo
are closely linked to the KLA leadership that dominates the local Albanian
administration operating under UN auspices, and are already a menace to
Europe. If organized crime is uncontrolled under UN and NATO supervision,
how will Kosovo's independence improve things when the racketeers become the
sovereign government? 

It's time to stop writing in a vacuum about the Balkan region and our
handiwork there. It happens to be the most key region nearest us in the War
on Terror. As the 9/11 Commission found, it was in 1990s Bosnia that the
"groundwork for a true terrorist network was being laid." That network is
today known as al Qaeda. 

This year, we continue the march toward a Greater (and eventually
Muslim-only) Albania that will usurp
68&par=> Kosovo (and soon Macedonia and parts of Greece). By signing the
Christian Serbs' Jerusalem over to the terrorists, we will give terrorism
the boost it struggled for throughout the 90s. Instead of influencing their
government away from such treachery, Americans shrug. 

What our media and politicians have successfully striven to keep from the
American public is that Serbs have historically been on the front line in
halting the advance of barbarism into Europe--first against Islam in the
1389 Battle of Kosovo, then against the Third Reich (the Serbian nation lost
proportionally more lives fighting the Nazis than any other), and then in
the 90s against the Muslim and Croatian heirs of the Nazis--before we tied
their hands and inherited their burden. 

When the Milosevic trial opened in February 2002, the former Serbian
"disproportionate force" president showed photos of disembodied Serbian
heads. The late Judge Richard May had little patience for this display,
calling it irrelevant. To which Milosevic replied:

"It's not on the screens that the public sees. Right. I see it on this
screen now. But this internal screen only. So he is holding a head, the head
of a Serb that he cut off. So those are the 20,000 Mujahedin that were
brought to the European theatre of war through Clinton's policy, and most of
them remained there and some went to America and to other countries, and
they went all around Europe. And then when they start beheading your own
people in wars to come, then you will know what this is all about." 

I thought we'd gotten the memo by now. 

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JWR contributor Julia Gorin is a widely published op-ed writer and comedian
who blogs at  <> Comment on by
Gorin> here. 

 <> Julia Gorin

© 2005, Julia Gorin

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